
What should i do about my neighbour?

by  |  earlier

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he come round unexpectedly in the mornings wearing a leapord print silk dressing gown and i think he has unusual "shall we say pleassure toys" hidden in his pockets.

if i forget to lock the door on a night, sometimes i find him in my bed!

what should i do?




  1. move to a different neighborhood

  2. lol that's funny but really bad you need to put a restraining order on him or something because that's just wrong report him tell the police about it especially if you are waking up and hes in your bed that's bad iver do that or tell him to get out and never come here again and threaten him but that may not work so get a restraining order quick  

  3. phone the police  

  4. Check first to see if he's Spanish or Italian. For them this kind of behaviour is quite normal...expected almost...they don't have the same rigorous concept of personal space as we Northern European johnnies.

  5. call the police!!

  6. Good one, mate. I suspect if it were really happening, no one would be complaining or it would have already been sorted. A bit of advice:

    In the shower, don't bend over to pick up the soap.  

  7. How on earth does he get in?

  8. um... 2 words....restraining order.

  9. Ok here's what you do:

    1. Get new locks for your doors or keep the same ones.

    2. Right a note somewhere where you can see it before you go to sleep and write "LOCK DOORS EVERY NIGHT"

    3. If you forget or he somehow opens the door then you call the police.

    4. You report him for harassing you, because he is coming to your house without your permission and getting in your bed naked. He could rape you! Plus YOU NEVER ASKED FOR IT! THATS HARASSING! CALL FOR THAT! PLUS TRESSPASSING!

  10. Are you for real here? I would call the police.

  11. my philosophy has always been "shoot first ask questions later." if i ever woke up and found someone in my house they would have a bullet in their head before they even knew i was there.

  12. lock your doors, this is not on! call the cops with him right there if he ever gets in again, make sure he can hear it too, say loudly' there is a strange man in my house, you need to come get him out and tell him he cant just walk into peoples houses!'

  13. get a vicious dog that dude is sick. you find him in your bed? unless you like it call the pigs

  14. Wrong spelling, it's not load it's 'loud' and if you haven't called the police by now then you must enjoy it! there's no way I would let someone in my house like that.

  15. move!

  16. Ummm...have to told him that it is not appropriate to come into your home without asking permission, EVEN if the door is unlocked?  If you have and this is really bothering you, I would say give him one more warning like, "I don't mean to be rude but it's really startling to see you in my house when I get home, if you keep doing this I'll have to call the cops."  Then if he doesn't comply with your request you can call the cops next time.

    As for the unexpected morning visitations, I would just tell him, "I'm really busy in the mornings and would appreciate if you were going to visit that you call first so I can be ready for your arrival.  If you don't call, you throw off my whole day, which is a huge pain for me."  If he doesn't listen to that explain that his unwanted advances are stalking and you will have to take legal action.

  17. Report him.. I would.

  18. Have the local constables escort him off the premises.  That should cure his "habit."

  19. OR maybe you leave the door unlocked so he can get in?

  20. My parents had the same thing and they got out of the trailor park.

  21. Call the police before he rapes you.  No big answer to that question.  Have the creep put in lockup.  Then tell your landlord what is happening and get him kicked out  And make sure from now on you lock your doors.  You never know who is out there.

  22. OMG. That is mostly creepy. I would make sure to lock the door for one thing. And if you haven't told him, then I would confront him and let him know he wasn't welcome to come into your house without permission. If it continues, a phone call to the cops would be appropriate considering he is trespassing. Unless you are into that sort of thing, then enjoy the ...uhm compliment and take advantage of it. lol

  23. call the police?

  24. ok thats a little weird more like alot weird! well you should ask him to leave you alone or make sure you double lock your doors!

  25. OMG call the cops that is trespassing and if you diddnt let him in you can get a restraining order too.

  26. call the cops.

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