
What should i do about my nosy mother in law.?

by Guest59536  |  earlier

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she is seriously a nut.




  1. There's not much you can do. Talk to your husband. I HATE my mother in law, but only because she hated me first and treated me like c**p. My husband  was in Afghanistan for 15 months and he was going through a divorce (we married when he got home). His mother would call me to ask about his ex. I'm like I don't know, call her. I don't really talk to her unless it's about the divorce. And yet she would never ask how I am doing. And now I am pregnant and she will not acknowledge the baby is mine. It is her sons baby, not mine. I have been really sick with morning sickness and she does not care and will not tell me congratulations about the pregnancy. I am seriously ticked off. And she denies it when my husband confronts her with it. He knows she is lying, but what can he do. I want to never see her again and never let our baby see her.

  2. i hate people like them

  3. run away from her as fast an far as u can ! Don't talk to her that much, just in especial occasion like x-mas, b-day, etc, don't let her in to ur house unless shes invited, don't ask for any favors from her if not shell think she has the right to an opinion ! don't ask anything , respect her, be polite, and that's it !

  4. Maybe talk to your husband and let him know whats going on...don't accuse her as it is his mom, but mention little things that bugged you and ask him to please mention it to his mom in a nice way w/out hurting her.  

  5. I need some kind of example of how nosy she is before I make an assessment.

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