
What should i do about my son's rude and bad bus driver?

by Guest33207  |  earlier

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My sons bus driver is rude and inconsiderate. She leaves without her children being seated and belted in. She has spoken on her cellular telephone while driving the bus. She speeds and constantly is on the brink of getting into an accident according to my son. As he was getting dropped off today she sped and came to an abrupt stop across the street from my house. There is a matron on the bus who should be walking him across the street, which does not happen. As many people do not heed stop signs on the bus they drive past and he could get hit. We live on a very busy road and I am concerned for his safety. She also takes a very strange route so that she winds up on the opposite side of the street when she could be dropping him off on the same side as my house if she went a more convenient way. My son rides on a mini bus therefore the rules and regulations are different than that of a regular bus. If someone could please tell me a) how to deal with her and b) some regulations for busses.




  1. take it up with the bus company or school......don't deal with her directly.

  2. Mary--follow the bus with a video camera--have someone video a typical trip while you drive safely behind the bus.--then if this is all true--call the bus boss.

  3. Take it up with whoever her manager is. Most bus drivers are good but bus drivers only get paid to drop the kids off and go home no matter how long it takes, at least here. To her this means the faster the kids are off the sooner she can be at home with a bag of chips watching oprah. I would definitly bring this to someones attention.

    An after thought to this, if you turn it in to the school or bus company and you feel that it has not been taken care of you may be able to ask the police to follow her or sit in a spot to be able to see her driving. I am sure something would be done about it if a police officer contacted the school about it.

  4. You would just report this to the school districts main office and file a report with them, you will also want to notify the school as well.

    If that fails contact your local states department of education schools transportation division and record what is going on if possible.

    You will also want to file a report with your local police department so that everything is in order.

  5. Call the local school district's Director of Transportation immediately.  This person has absolutely no business driving a school bus (or taxi, limo, livery, or hay wagon). DO NOT take matters into your own hands and try to deal with her yourself. She'll blow you off.

    Regarding routing, there are no federal laws requiring same-side-of-street drop-offs; your district may have other ideas. No driver should pull away until they are sure all passengers are seated. It's difficult to determine if all are belted in. That's the monitor's job.

    You didn't ssay where you live; from the description of the driver, I would guess New York. New York, along with just a handful of states, requires seat belts on big school buses. All small head-start size buses are required by FEDERAL law to have belts. I was directly involved in the writing of New York's seat belt law in 1985 from a manufacturer's standpoint. I do know they diluted it greatly to only require INSTALLATION of belts on large buses; they left mandating usage up to individual districts to keep from being sued if there were an accident.

  6. why don't you file a complaint with the bus company in writing .it has to be in writing and make a copy of it for yourself so they can't say they did not get it.if nothing is done i would call the police on her for reckless endangerment of minors while transporting them from one place to another file a criminal complaint against her.

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