
What should i do about my step mom?

by  |  earlier

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she is always like in my stuff and she like gives my sister permission to use my things without asking me! its so annoying!! what should i do?




  1. Talk to her.  Not in a bratty whiny way.  Ask if you could sit down and talk to her. She needs to know she's upsetting you.  Truthfully, she really shouldn't do that. If she doesn't agree to do such, talk to your dad about it.

  2. Tell her what you think.  If she persists, tell your dad and ask your sister politely not to get in your stuff.  Meanwhile, invest in some locks.

  3. Wow! Step mom needs to go to step mom school. How tacky. Depends, do you have a relationship with her at all? If so, ask her to please ask before either giving permission for someone to go into your room or for her to go into your room. If you don't have a comfortable relationship with her can you go to your dad? The last alternative is to get sneaker than they are. Get you a lock and lock some of the things up that you do not want others to get into, then if you have to hide it. Now, that's being ugly but I hold great regard into others staying away from my stuff, even tho I don't have anything that matters anyway. It's the principle of the point

  4. Do you live with your step mom, or do you just visit?  If you visit but don't live there full time, I would suggest limiting how much stuff you have there.  If you are there all the time or most of the time, you should talk to your dad about it.  

    If the problem doesn't get better, and your dad can't help solve it, you may just have to endure the best you can.  It may be that your step mom is trying to let you know that she's in charge, let you know the "pecking order" so to speak.  So, maybe for a while, let her be in charge,  give her what she wants.  When she doesn't get a fight from you, she may back off.  Just be submissive, and make sure when she asks you to do something, do it right away.  Try it for a week or two and see if your relationship with her improves.  Look, she's an adult, and you might not like her, but your dad picked her to be his woman.  Fighting against it won't help you.  You have to outsmart the situation.

  5. Sit down with her and tell her how you feel about the situation.  Don't yell it will make things worse.  If things don't change than lock your stuff up (that's what my friend had to do to keep her little brother out of her things).  

  6. Sit down with her and tell her honestly how u feel.  You may want to have the entire family in on the conversation.  Ask your sister to stop going in your things.  You might even want to talk to your dad one-on-one about it. Explain to them the reason why you need privacy...however, living in someone else's house makes your privacy limited.  The things that u don't want your sister to touch or take, I suggest you put them away in your closet in a box tucked away.

  7. Either tell her that your space and privacy is something you value and that you would appreciate it if she didnt cycle through your stuff and give your sister permission to do the same.  Tell her that she should ask beforehand and say that you always ask permission when you want things from her.

    Also tell your sister the same.

    If that dont work, lock your stuff away, password protect your PC and make a point of it.  When they realise your fed up and your doing something about it, they will back down!  Good Luck!

  8. Talk to your Dad about it.  

  9. Tell her sister to go use her things with YOUR permisson. MWHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    Answer mine people please :D

  10. Use her stuff... and ruin them!!!

  11. Talk to her, tell her that you enjoy your privacy and would appritiate it if she would be a little more discrete when it comes to your private space.

  12. you should just comfront her.

    tell her KINDLY that you would like a little privacy and that it bothers you when you give your little sister permission to use your stuff without asking you.

    if you just say it as kindly and not in a mad tone it should clear everything up.  

  13. lol tell your stepmom about it, if that doesn't work, then tell your dad, if that doesn't work, go buy a lock or something and lock everything up

  14. Talk to her. She's your step mom, she should understand.  

  15. Speak to her (respectfully) about how you feel. Then speak with your Dad if that doesn't help.

  16. You should like try to be cool and like stop being like such a snob.

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