
What should i do about the bed bugs anoying me?

by  |  earlier

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Hi Everyone,

every single night, i go to bed, and i try to sleep, but i cant because of all those bed bugs pinching me. they are too anoying for me to handle. what should i do about them?




  1. dont sleep tight

  2. there not bed bugs, if they are they would be soooooo disguting and u would be able to see them!!! lol.

    also wash the sheets and put new ones, and the matress.(wash it)

    the things that are tickling u are not bugs they are tiny tiny things that feed of dead skin.

    they are harmless.

    but u barley have any bed bugs, so clean the sheets!

    hope every thing would work out!!!

    Good night and dont let the bed bugs bite!!!!


  3. f**t on them......ha ha

  4. Has anyone ever told you goodnight don't let the bed bugs bit?

    Try buying a bug spray you can spray it 1 hour before going to bed and no bugs.

    Take care

  5. oh my god, throw away your mattress.

    then make sure you wash your (new) sheets once a week and vacuum your room often.

    I didnt think people still had those...

  6. clean your sheets.

  7. I hope you are kidding...


  9. suffocate them!!

  10. My bed mates only crawl on me. I kill them one at a time with my finger. But if you have a real problem go to the grocery store and get a room exterminator canister and set it off in your room while your washing your blankets

  11. Try sprayng Raid or something like it all over your bed in the morning and by night they will all be gone

  12. u need to take care of that prob, i just got back from taekwon do world camp, and the austrailians there had bed bug probs, they were all bitten up and the bites looked horrible, get it fixed, call someone, NOW

  13. Throw away the bed and buy a new one.

  14. feed em cheese

  15. sleep on the couch

  16. have your bed treated for these kind of bugs and after,...put a plastic covering to it and leave it on...for it protects the bed from getting bedbugs again. or get a new bed and leave the plastic on. use it as if there is no plastic covering with your pillows.

  17. spray your room in the morning, so you won't inhale the toxic stuff at night when you sleep

  18. The simple answer.

    Throw out your old mattress and sheets. Replace carpet with hardwood or tile. Make sure you clean everything daily.

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