
What should i do about the new kid

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the introduction: ok so I go to an international school in India and I remember last year when i first moved here I was absolutely miserable and I cried for weeks and locked myself in my room, but I went to school everyday and as much as I hated it I made some friends and I'm here for another year. I still don't like it....but i've learned to deal and it's actually kind of these days.

anyways here's my question:

one of the new kids is the principals son from vermont and he is so MISERABLE. and i mean like x10 as much as I did. The last two days he's locked himself in his room and refuses to come to school and apparantely he's tearing the whole family apart. since I kind of relate to him and i talked to him once and really liked him, I feel like I should be doing or saying something to help him, accept I know that last year nothing that anyone said last year helped and I just had to make it through by myself. Also I don't really know when I would get to talk to him alone, like a serious full conversation.....obviously not at school. The only thing I can think of is his family might be coming over this weekend so maybe then. My question is should I do talk to him? what would you do or say? or should i just not get involved in this one.....




  1. thatd be awesome if you talked to him,, depressed people like to talk and hear about other people who were depressed,

    im sure hed like that, good luck. i hope u can get him through it xxxxxxxxxx

  2. Make friends with him and introduce him to all of your friends.

  3. Talk to him next time you see him, tell him that you felt the same when you first started. Invite him out with you and your friends. Just let him know that you're there and had a similar experience!

  4. last year some boy from the ukraine moved to the us and didn't know english too well so he wouldn't really get involved with any thing. he never looked happy either. I'm shy but when i was around him id be out going and i did my best to try and make him feel comfortable since no one else really did. i don't know if he found me annoying but i think he liked having me to sit with at lunch rather then be by himself. my point is that that boy would probably appreciate it if you did try to befriend him and make him feel like the worlds not gonna end and that someone cares. who knows, you might just make a good friend in the "process"

  5. yes talk to him. be nice, introduce yourself. be polite.

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