
What should i do about this boy who likes me and i like him?

by  |  earlier

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i like this boy and he likes me back, he is also 2 years older than me. he is 15, i am 13. the only problem is that, i live in NJ and he lives in NY. he keep in touch bye using the phone. he calls me everyday at around 7 p.m.. Right now we are just friends. What should i do about this. (we never get to see each other)

p.s. we met over the summer of 2008 in person!




  1. If you both like eachother than go for it! If you are to shy to ask... then just wait... He may live somewhere else but that doesnt matter!

  2. Long distance friendships work so much better than long distance relationships, no matter how much you like each other. You could just as easily say 'I love you' to each other as friends if you never see each other anyway, because the only thing other than that that would really make you boyfriend and girlfriend would be hugging, kissing, etc.


  4. Where could this even go? Neither of you are old enough to drive and if all you can do is talk on the phone, you’re better off not starting a relationship with him. Meet a guy in your local area – and remember that you’re only 13. Don’t rush into dating because you have a lot of time left for that.

  5. Go ahead and plan to meet him.

    All the best

  6. hmmm well, you should obviously tell him because if he likes you too the only thing is telling eachother. when he calls you, bring up soe memories of summer that just invlved you two. use that as a conversatin starter adn just go on from there. or ask if he is coming to your area anytime soon. if he is you guys can meet up and yeah.... also this might be a downer for you but...this might also just be a summer fling. school is starting this week and he is going back to high school with a bunch of girls HIS age and will probly get over you. but if you reall want this to work out, i suggest you tell him and try to keep it going but long distance (even though you ar two states apart) are pretty hard.

    all the best of luck


  7. OMG!

    this happened to me!

    i told him and we went out 4 ages!

    like 9 months!

    cos like he always rang me so i rang him and told him how i felt and he was like well there is only one thing to do now do you wanna be my gf and i was like yh,

    but we eventully broke up cos like i met some1 else and he did 2

    but we were 3 yrs apart!

    hope this helps!

    bella x

  8. just be friends for would probably be hard to have a relationship since you are young and its hard to see each other

  9. Good better keep long distance relations there is no harm you can go and visit him during summer vacations.


  11. I guess you both know that you like each other.

    Well, that's actually ok. But considering that you both

    are young... Maybe just let time pass, and if you're really

    meant for each other, then GO GO GO!!!!

  12. Well, i think you should just give up on it. You're both quite young, and chances are whatever you feel will change soon. If it doesn't and you two really like each other enough, you can make it work.

  13. It'll be harder for you two since nobody can drive, but the age shouldn't matter too much. If you two can handle the distance until at least the next time you see each other, go for it.  


  15. If you are positivley sure he likes you then this is the best thing to do.  When you see him next have Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne playing and just walk up to him and start touching his chest (nowhere else for now) and see what happens.  Since I'm a guy, if a girl did that there would be no question whether i like her or not.

  16. I don't get the question.

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