
What should i do about this bully?

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There is this girl in my English & PE class named Tegan Hall and she keeps on bullying me. She is troublemaker and teachers get annoyed by her. What she does is when i make a viewpoint she just buts in and says "DANIEL!!!" My English teacher Mr Cowarth (Howarth) doesn't do anything. My PE teacher Ms Hemiak (Best teacher on earth) gets insanely angry with her.

Another example: The other week in English i was talking to my friend Sam about some quotes from the novel "A lesson before dying" and we were talking about how Jefferson got called a ''hog'' and Tegan said "Don't say that stuff, My boyfriend is black" then we were yabering about stuff and we got into a fight which she started. I feel very uncomfortable and she distracts my learning. Same with her friend Catherine and her boyfriend Michael. But they are not as worse as Tegan.

Tegan also has gotten into fights with other people in some of her other classes too, Like last Thursday she had an argument with Britney during her Food tech class. She also argued with Ergin in Psychology last semester too and was causing severe chaos.

Also last semester Mr Grioli my Psychology teacher taught Tegan and he often went crazy at her and would send her outside.

I'm a good kid and i very rarely get in trouble. Should i shut up so she won't make such a big deal out of it or should i go to the year level coordinators and tell them this?

If you say year level coodinators I'm scared they won't believe me. I have also callen her a b***h before but it was when she started an argument with me.





  1. my name is austin keyes foster and please regard this seriously. talk to her first and see if you can see if maybe she's a bully because she's hurting and you'll become friends or something. Most likely that wont work out, so pounce on her ***. Seriously, if what you say is true, you sound like a good student, and she a trouble-maker, your word will win against hers, as far as you getting hurt , i ASSURE you letting her hurt you and your self-esteem in school will hurt you (and possibly her) worse. ((see Columbine)) please before you listen to some old person on here or school counselor that is 22+ and took "school" but has no idea about bullying talk to me. search "muay thai ko oklahoma" that is me after NOT confronting my bullies in school. I have a good paying job, i can not say with whom, but I still crush in people's skulls and occasionally have mine crushed in see "austin foster" mainly because of my insecurities of never confronting my bullies. i am sure dylan klebold and eric harris would agree, RIP their victims and them also.

  2. NO do go to your counselers, they nust believe you if she does this to your teachers and other people. ask those teachers and other kids if you needed them to speak to the coulnselers about this problem would they, so you would then have supporters. I had this same problem i told the young man out loud infront of the class when he interupted me that "if you like me this was a bad way to show it and if its not that then youre lame, have no life, must b failing the class and wanna take every1 with him cause of your out burst", then i said in a concerned voice "or do you have a mental dissorder like terrets or ADD or somethin?" soon he stopd. then i didnt let him see that he was working my nerve and when he came around to be in my conversation me and my friends would stop talkin so he had no input.

  3. tell a teacher

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