
What should i do about this cat?

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There is a cat that i am feeding on a daily basis as her owners dont look after her, She is tiny still like a kitten she has already had a litter 3 months ago and she is pregnant again!!! I am so anoyed her owners are not the kind of people you can aproch, i have told them to get her spayed but they dont care they just sell or give the kittens away, she is in my house now and looks so tiny and skinny with a big pregnant belly, I have two house cats who dont mind her two much. If i keep her in and get her done then let her out again her owners will know as they live accross the road, They will probably go mad, What do i do, I have to do something, Please help.




  1. keep the cat, and if it's owners come and ask you about it act like you don't know what they are talking about.

  2. You can go ahead and have her spayed, even though she is pregnant. This may seem cruel, but it is so much better than having all of these kittens that no one wants. I just had this done with a stray that I have been feeding, who had a litter and was pregnant again. I had her spayed with the intention of putting her back outside when she was healed, but guess what??? She was such a sweetheart that I can't put her back out. She will be staying inside from now on. She ,as far as I know ,was a stray, but she sure loves to be inside, and just fits perfectly into our family.This family obviously don't care much for their cat, so maybe they wouldn't mind if you just kept her.It sounds a s though you might be  interested in keeping her, I think I would just take her and have her spayed, and keep her inside. They'll probably never miss her, and if they do, she will already be spayed, and you can just act as though you don't know anything.We did this with a male cat one time that belonged to our neighbors. He was constantly getting in fights, and he had just about adopted us. So we took him and had him neutered, and he just became part of our family. They just gave up on him, as he wouldn't stay at their house anymore.

  3. Law states, once you feed a cat it becomes YOUR property.If shes in your home then its evident shes adopted you.Id contact the CPL .(RSPCA arnt that reliable).or any rescue near you. that will agree to have her speyed in exchange for taking the litter at 7wks,you get her back and keep her indoors for a wk or so .at that time the opp scar will not be as least that way shes going to be free of litters twice a year,and even if she does wander back to her "old" home they wont be making money out of her.but whats the betting they will end up with other cats.

    your little girl is going to move in with you if thats what you want.their is nothing the old owners can do .you dont adopt a cat a cat adopts you.

    Good luck and hope your little one brings you joy.

  4. Talk to them tell them that you would be happy to take their cat in and have it as your own if this doesnt go to plan then i think you may have to get the RPSCA involved and tell them you would happily adopt the cat as you have been caring for it anyway.

    I really hate people like that, they have animals and then don't bother looking after them - they should be put on the list so they are never allowed animals, anyway hope i helped (:

  5. A similar thing happened to me. From hard experience I have only this to say... who feeds the cat is the cat's human. so you are her human. the other people may say that she is theirs. really? Their actions say otherwise.

  6. By law, it's their cat to do as they please - including being irresponsible, as long as they are not abusing the cat by not feeding it enough or physically abusing it, there is nothing you can do except call the SPCA and report the incidents you described.  I hate to admit breaking the law, and I do not condone it - but I have had to become involved in a same situation where I had to rescue a cat that was being hit on the head consistently....I have now had her for 8 years - she is spoiled rotten, but still ducks and covers when I go to pet her.  If the SPCA can't help, do what you feel is necessary.

  7. Call the RSPCA or ASPCA, depending on where you live. Tell them EXACTLY what is going on, and ask what your rights are in this matter.

    I'm not quite sure, but I think you have the right to take the cat in, since you know the owners are neglecting her, and you have already tried to tell them to have her fixed to prevent any problems.

    You MIGHT have to have her checked by a veterinarian while in the presence of a police officer, so that lawfully you can claim that she is suffering from neglect by her owners, so you can legally take her. I know that my family had to do that once to one of our dogs. A former neighbor had him as a half-grown pup, and he was starving and beating him, besides keeping him on a choke chain only 8 feet long. We had already called the police about it once, but the neighbor hid the dog when he heard police sirens coming up the road.

    We finally couldn't stand it any longer, and my dad and I went next door to get the dog before the man killed him. We offered to buy the dog for $50, and the man accepted.  You could count every bone in his body, and he was so weak he could barely stand, much less walk. He had more scars than he did fur, and one ear was completely gone, leaving just the hole in his head.

    We took him to our house, and Mum called the cops.  When the policemen came, we showed them the dog and explained what we had done, and they arrested the neighbor. BUT, even though poor Dingo looked the way he did, I still had to take him to the vet in the company of one of the police officers, so that the cop could certify the abuse, not just the signs of it.

    Please, do everything in your power to help the cat. You obviously care about her quite a bit, if you are concerned about her. If you can't contact the RSPCA or ASPCA, call your local police station. They will inform you of what you can do legally. If worst comes to worst, offer to buy the cat from her owners. It may cost some money, but in the end, saving her life will be worth every penny you spend.  

  8. A number of years ago, I took in a cat who was roaming the neighborhood, took it to the vet to be neutered, then turned it loose.  I figured that if it went home, at least it wouldn't be contributing to the cat overpopulation, but if it's owners weren't taking care of it, then it could stay with me.  IT STAYED.......for 10 years!  

    So, if you can afford to have this cat spayed, after her kittens are it!  If the neighbors be it!  You're feeding and taking care of her, so they must not care too much about her.  Maybe, you shouldn't let her back out.........and they can just wonder where she went!

    Good luck.........

  9. you are such a kind animal lover,,i know how you feel,,the cat were we live always seems pregnant,,i really want too say to the ppl,,,get her spayed,,its so cruel to have them having litter after litter,,she seems scrany even when pregnant,,id say go for it get her done and suffer the bad mouthing later,,good luck.x

  10. phone the rspca

  11. well just call animal services i suppose, don't put yourself in a situation you might regret they might just like mating her or do it on purpose  

  12. Put the pregnant cat in a cat-carrying box, and take her to a cat protection place, or the RSPCA.  If you can't get her there yourself, ring one place or the other, and tell them about this poor little cat.  The owners don't look after the poor thing, and clearly don't care about her welfare.  The cat deserves a much better life than this.

    PLEASE help the cat

  13. ferel cats can be a nuisence. a cat left unspayed can produce a litter pretty much nonstop. then their kittens make kittens and so on viscios cycle.neighborhoods that have large feral cat infestations are prone to flees and diseses. your neighbors are rude to put it mildly and dont deserve to have animals. I really hate to say this but calling your local animal control and reporting the problem as a nusince is really all you can do. i had a family member that was expieriancing this problem and set live traps. she then took these animals to the spca where they were neutered and adopted out to good homes. again they were on her property. causing a disterbance getting into the trash and making a racket all hours of the night.

  14. have a calm conversation with them about how you are willing, for the cats sake, to get her spayed yourself.  explain why and hopefully they will understand.  good luck!!

  15. based on what you said, the owners dont really care very much what happens to the cat.  if it were me, i would have the cat spayed, and dont say anything      doesnt sound like the poor thing will really be missed.    do the right thing for the cat.   there are too many unwanted and abused animals in the world already.   good luck

  16. I Would have it fixed the owners apparently don't care about there cat and its the animal that's suffering for it. Your the one taking responsibility for the animal so the way I see it the cat belongs to you.  

  17. rspca

  18. Just do it anyway if your looking after it your trying to help it and if you worry that much for it and for it to get pregnant again the owners ovbiously wont care for it enough to notice that its not getting pregnant anymore!

    Ring the RSPCA and ask them about what rights you may have about the situation to help the cat and about legal issues and other stuff! At least your trying to do something!

    Good Luck! x

  19. Have animal control investigate.Maybe if they have to go to court they will be better at taking care of the cat.

  20. Just get her spayed. If the owners can't be bothered then you do it.

    They can't be certain it was you.

    I trap all the feral cats that come into my garden and get them spayed as we are overrun with cats where I live and the way I look on it I am doing them a favour. It cuts out all the fighting and kittens everywhere that are starving.

    I have a close friend that works in cat aid here and they spay them for half price. Im sure there is an organisation like that in your area cos it can be really expensive.

  21. I have had the same problem in my neighborhood and we have a groupe that traped and spayed and nutered a mans cats because he refused to do so now all is back to normal all those unwanted kittens are not a problem some times the greater good for animals and people must be done.

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