
What should i do about this guy???

by Guest66990  |  earlier

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ohkayy so theres this guy i like who is in the grade below me and i REALLY like this guy...the problem is that i dont even kno if he really knos i dont kno if he even knos my name (but im pretty sure he knos at least that..) but i do kno that all i ever think about is him and that whenever i see him he seems to be lookingg at me...what should i do.?! HELP!!!




  1. I think you should go talk to him. Introduce yourself to him and see what his name is and take it from there.  Just be yourself, smile, and don't wait for him to talk to you otherwise you will miss you chance and some other girl will get the opportunity to talk to him rather than you. Take things slow since you don't really know each other and ask him to hang out. Take a chance you only live once.

    Best of luck!

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