
What should i do about this situation thats been going on for a year?Please Help I need it.?

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Hello..there was this lad i got really close to through the internet about this time last year.I was just turned 17 at the time and he just turned 18.We first started talking via msn and we really liked each other and then after about a week i gave him my number,even though i never ever gave out my number before on the computer i liked him so much i decided that this one time it would be ok.We lived about two hours away from each other.He wasnt even goodlooking, he wasnt horrific looking also but like he was no Brad Pitt. But his personality was great. After about a week of texting,we were chatting on the phone for about 3 hours at a time.Well anyway we fell in love.I could'nt believe that i could feel this strongly about someone i never met before.. I even said it on the phone to him that it was so wierd. Anyway we had so many long conversations about everything and anything.We got really close and i really thought that we might be soulmates even he said it too. After about two months of talking he started not talking to me on msn and didnt reply to my texts. Then two months later he told me via msn that the reason he ignored me for the two months was because he was falling madly in love with me and that it freaked him out he just had to stop talking to me.I wasnt happy with this because it didnt make any sence to me at all.He also said one of the reasons he stopped talking to me was because he didnt think that we were ever gonna meet up and that frustrated him. But i had every intention of meeting up with him it was just that i had school and i'm living with my parents and he had college and was living away from home with students.So he told me he was in love with me, and he wanted to know did i feel the same, and i never said no and i never said yes to because i didnt wanna sound like a fool if i said yes incase he was playing games with me, and that he was lying that he loved me. I really did love him though. I love his voice and the way he said things, his sense of humour and when he was being all nice to me. But after his confession we didnt talk for about 6 months, i ignored his text and his MSN conversation because i was kinda confused about the whole thing and also i was thinking to myself how could you ignore someone for so long if you loved them? It ust didnt make any sense the way he did that.But yesterday he talked to me on msn and i decided to talk back to him to see what he has been getting upto and he said he as a girlfriend now. I played it as i was really happy for him and it didnt bother me that he had a girlfriend.But obviously it did because im still mad about him and its been a year on. Anyway he appeared offline after only a few words to each other. But i want to know why i fell and still am in love with someone i never met..

Some of the reasons i can think of is thatI've never been in a relationship in my whole life, Also he gave me loads of compliments.I want to forget about him completley because it is not healhy to feel like this about somebody that i have never met. I still Have his msn addy and whenever i log on which is regurally by the way. I always die for him to log on ad talk to me. It's like i log on so in the hope that he will talk to me. How do i get over this because it's a serious problem at this stage and also is this problem stupid? I just read it over and i sound so saaadd!I need some advice please...Thanks a million.




  1. Just take it one day at a time..I know it's hard because you fell in love with him and it is possible to fall in love with someone you never met in person but you both talked on the phone and text each other to maintain a conversation for you to both to get to know each other..he has a girlfriend now so it's time to move on. I would move on and not talk to him for a while until you can get over him....good luck.  

  2. i think as you lived so close you could have both made the effort but also its your first one it takes a few to find mr right yes you can fall in love over the net ive done it but when i met them in person they or i didn't hit it off so try to meet him get him to take you for a burger or movie talk don't have s*x first date and make sure he wears a condom if you do go that road good luck

  3. It happens to all but as u grow, u become accustomed to such things. All males, even in animals, don't like to stick to one female. This is law of nature which no one can change. But he was honest to u and whatever he said was true. U were not near to him and he wanted one close by which he got. So he lost interest in you. Don't take a bf too seriously unless relationship has grown into strong bonds.

  4. I had a similar experience a few years back.  In my situation we fell in "love" because we talked so much, knew so much about each other.  Eventually we filled in each others sentences and felt like we were in perfect harmony.

    But this was not true love.  This is just the attraction to someone who understands you.  When you are young, this takes hold of you and becomes you.  You will grow to understand that this situation was only a building block necessary for human reproduction.  

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