
What should i do about this stupid boy?

by  |  earlier

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there's this stupid boy at church who always makes fun of me, calls me an "ugly b***h" or a "h0e" and all this other stuff. i usually come back at him with even worse insults, but i'm getting kind of tired of this whole thing. he's the only person in the whole church i have beef with. and he just won't stop no matter what. what should i do to make him just back off? i'm tired of his childish mess.




  1. Do not respond to him in any way.  Ignore him.  If you start going back at him it just makes the whole thing worse.  Walk away from him.

  2. laugh,like a "what an idiot "laugh. don't engage him at all,talk to him or get mad. thats what he wants. Or just keep saying " you're dumb" while having a chuckle or smiling. If he calls you names pull an obviously fake shocked look. Or say "ow my feelings!"dramatically like you couldn't care less. Or look bored.and slighly amsed tutaatHe might get worse for a while but just keep at it. He will feel like you're not taking him seriously and don't care. He will feel that he is ineffectual.

  3. You should tell the minister or your parents. Then your parents can tell on his parents then maybe his parents can deal with him too.  I remember doing this when I was younger. I ended up getting a few back hands after they found out then I stopped.

    whoa Travis. Youre huuuuge!

    Im working towards that.

  4. Quit talkin back at him and slap his rude face the next time he disrespects you.

    He don't dare hit you back...unless he's a total worthless p***y that is.

  5. yeah, ignore him, report him, punch his face in. ha ha

  6. He likes getting a rise out of you - you really just have to not respond and try not to show any reaction.  Responding with worse insults is stooping to his level, and you don't want that, now do you: :)

  7. Go get a tape recorded and let him talk, then let everyone hear it.

    Then he will stop.

  8. He's probably really enjoying that you insult him back.  He probably gets off on it.  One way to take his fun away is to just ignore him completely.  Getting no reaction at all over and over won't be very fun for him.  He'll probably keep trying for a while, though.

    I also like the other person's idea about taping him saying those things.  Then you could play them for his mom or the preacher or whoever and let them know what he is doing.

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