
What should i do after hitting a car in a parking lot if i can't locate owner?

by  |  earlier

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i couldn't even tell if there was damage on the other car. i stopped and went inside the post office to find the owner but failed. when i came back out to the small parking lot, the car was gone. i wouldn't be too concerned except for the fact that several people were around who could be witnesses. i'm concerned that if i report the incident to the police, they might contact my insurance company. i'm afraid if i don't, i might get charged with a hit and run, even though i stuck around for at least 1 mins.




  1. You made an attempt to solve the situation but the victim left. nothing can happen at this point you are safe. next time I recommend leaving a note on the windshield of the car explaining that you hit them and leave your number THEN go search for them. best of luck to you.

  2. park in a different place and act like nothing happened!!!!!

  3. The next time this happens you do this.

    1) get out of your car with a pen and paper

    2) inspect the other guys car for damage.

    3) shake your head and make eye contact with couple of witnesses

    4) Lean over the windshield of the car you hit and leave this note

         " Im sorry I hit your car.  I hope there is no damage. As I write this note several people think Im leaving you my name and personal information..... Im not"

    Then walk around to the back of your car and pretend to verify your license plate.

    Put the note under the guys wiper and get the h**l out of Dodge!!!

    (I would never actually do this!)

  4. you should leave a note with your number.

  5. leave a note.  if the other person reports this, you will be charged with hit and run.

  6. i think you should have left a note or waited for the owner to come to their car

  7. you should have leave note with your name, phone number and telling them, where you hit them.

  8. It is not solved..............the owner of the other vehicle if they find out can and will report this as a "hit and run", you need to contact your insurance company and get this on file for your protection, I have seen this happen many times........

  9. You're probably fine, but just to be safe I'd let the police know in case the other car owner notices damage. Admitting to an accident (especially a minor parking lot bump) won't hurt you, the police will probably just brush it off unless they get another call about it.

  10. call a police officer to assess the damage, collec tyour information, and make a report.

    If the cop doesn't wait for the owner to come back to their vehicle, they will take the liscence plate number and contact them later for their questions & concerns.

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