
What should i do after what my friend just said?

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i was talking to my friend on the phone... yeah anyway, i was just playing around with her because i was really bored. so i broke a long silence say "(her name), shut up!!" & she sounded offended so i let her know i was just kidding. then she called me ugly, stupid and then she calmed down. i told her i was offended by what she said about me being stupid and ugly. then she said "well i thought you would be used to it by now by the way you look"

so i hung up on her. all i did was say shut up, but i was joking around. i could tell she was being serious by her voice, since ive known her for a long time i can tell. should i still be friends with her?




  1. I think she just overreacted. Maybe she was just having a bad day and telling her to shut up just didn't help the mood. Talk to her about it and give her another chance.;...

  2. I think she just got caught up in the moment.  Give her time to cool down.  Might take another day or so.  But give her time.  Still be friends with her.

  3. Just another little "drama" that happens all the time. You'll be fine in a week

  4. she may be on her period

    give it some time

    and probably she will say sorry

    but you say sorry first cause then you would be the bigger person...=D

  5. Was this girl really your friend?  If she was, she must have been joking also.  If you don't think she was joking then stay cool for awhile and see what happens.  It sounds a little cruel to me!   I work with a lot of really nice people and once you know them on the inside, you either like them or not.  I think that if you like the person on the inside, you find beauty in them-doesn't matter what they look like on the inside.

  6. that is really rude. tell her how that really hurt you. she may have been joking but sounded serious because she was all flustered. she still has no right to say that though. i bet you are a beautiful young girl!

  7. give her some time. If she really your friend I bet she just got caught up in the moment.  How good of a friend is she.  a real friend or a fairweather friend?

  8. Stay away from her for a few days. Give her time to cool off. It was probably a big misunderstanding. Say sorry in a few days. She will probably forgive you and you will be fine. Hope this helps!!

  9. You both just overreacted!  You are getting kind of sick of one another because you are spending too much time together.  Tell her you are sorry, and that you think your friendship is too valuable to throw away.

    Tell her you think the two of you need to spend a LITTLE less time together, so you won't run out of things to say, and get grouchy with each other.  Move on.  So many more friends to make, and so many fun things to do together!!!  

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