
What should i do? age of consent?

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how many months can there be in between a guy and a girl for intercourse? im 18 and the guy is 15...




  1. The age of consent in MN is 16. If you have s*x with someone younger than that, you are committing statutory rape.

  2. Age of consent varies from state to state, I believe the youngest age of consent is 16.

    However, be warned. I know in the case of males if anything comes of it you cannot get statutory rape but you can be given "contributing to the delinquency of a minor" which isn't anything to shrug off.

    Since you're older and he is younger I doubt anything would even be thought of otherwise. Especially since, at least in my area, it's not uncommon for 29 year olds to date 21 year olds. The age bracket really widens in the 20s

  3. Thats just gross.

  4. Ack. That is against the law. In most ALL states. Why would you s***w a baby? You are an adult and he is a child.  

  5. I doesn't really matter, just do what makes you happy, as long as he doesn't scream RAPE you will be fine. If he consents it fine. Its usually though that if one of the couples is 18 the other has to be 16, but he is close enough i'm sure.

  6. leave the kid alone

  7. In addition to possible statutory rape (already mentioned above), if you get pregnant, I am not sure if he would be liable for any child support.  Kind of risky...

  8. If you are interested in this guy then maybe it can work for you in s*x but if you think that you will regret it then don't do it.


    Girl- at least 17

  9. You mean years, and he's too young for you.  16 is supposedly the age of consent, but tell me how many 16 yr olds are able to take care of a child should birth control fail.  Welcome to single motherhood, or jail should his parents decide to prosecute.

    As for your first question, the thing to do is stay away from him.

  10. im a girl, ur a girl. for one the boy is just no where near as mature as you, an 18yr old boy isnt even as mature as you, and thats exactly what he is, a boy. he doesnt fully know what he's doing, and its just not right. he'll have s*x and move on for all you know. my brother is 16 and if he had s*x now i wouldnt think he was ready! think of the guy not just urself!

  11. Dont know about where you live, but in the UK if someone 18 or over has s*x with someone under 18, then its rape.

    I dont see why you would want to have s*x with someone who hasn't completely finished puberty yet..........

  12. The MN law requires that the younger party be under 13, OR that there be a three year or greater age difference, for s*x to be a crime.

    It goes by an exact calendar year.

    If your birthday is three years and a day before his, it's illegal. if it's two years and 364 days before his, it's legal.

    The unrestricted age of consent in MN is 16, so once he turns 16, your age ceases to matter, it's legal.

    I'd note, though, that Minnesota still has a "Fornication" law on the books, which makes s*x between any two people - whatever their ages - that are not married to each other a misdemeanor. Since the Supreme Court ruling in "Lawrence v Texas", though, such a law would be clearly unconstitutional.


  13. Its Rape and jail time if caught, don't risk the rest of your life being known as a s*x offender, if your still interested in 3 years go for it, but not now.

  14. gender does not matter with regards to statutory rape laws depsite someone's wishful thinking up above.

    males can not legally consent any more then females - it has to do with the incomplete development of the brain of youngsters, and there is no distinction between boys and girls.

    courts and prosecutors are taking this more seriously then they used to.

  15. Your legaly an adult so he has to be atleast 17.5 years old by federal law.

    P.S. I had an older girlfriend in highschool so here's some advice. Dont let anybody judge you just wait till both of you are ready.

  16. jail bait !!!!!!

    are you kidding me!!!!!!

    no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!

    that is so gross!!!!

    He is a child compared to you! how could you !!!!

  17. Believe in most states you are legal. They focus on girls age.But psychologically if you wait three years your point of view may change. Are you dealing with truly mature person or someone that floats your boat.  

  18. dont do it he can say you raped him you are an "adult" and he is a "child"

  19. The fact that you're asking this question means that, although he's three years younger and only 15, he must be immensely attractive, or something. I wouldn't know.

    However, the fact that you're asking this question must mean you're full of doubt about it. Maybe he's the one who wants to have s*x with you, not the other way around? "How many months" you ask - that's a bit strange. Has he tried to convince you that he's nearly 16 and therefore it's all good? Maybe I'm way off track. Either way, good luck, be safe, think it out, and don't do anything you're not comfortable with.

  20. Sounds like some 15 y/o boy is about to get very lucky!  

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