
What should i do and a husband who admit to wrong doing?

by  |  earlier

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My husband had established a relationship with a women on line, he told me it meant nothing and even gave the password to all his accounts which I deleted. except one. He told this woman on line that he was married and not to contact him anymore, but she still sends him emails and IM's ,I was on the computer and sent a message thinking it was him and I told her he was married and not to contact him anymore. How should I handle this woman because I KNOW she will try to contact him again?




  1. Yike. Relationships are hard. It might seem excessive but you might want to go into counseling to find out "why" the wrong doing and rebuild the trust. There not much you can do... block her.  

  2. You shouldn't your husband should.  He is married and it is time he remembers that.  He needs to put a stop to it if he wants to keep you!

  3. can you change your hubbys e address....if she keeps it up, i think you can get a restraining order, but your hubby will have to back you up. ..she sounds like a stalker

  4. She's not the one you should worry about.  If he has no  interest in her.  It's his job to make it clear to her.  He's the one that lead her on.  Even if she does contact him, he should just ignore her completely.

  5. Tell her that you have already asked her to stop trying to contact him and that you will take it to the proper authorities if she tries again.

  6. Ignore her and she will go away...but beware because he may have set up a whole new email account to play internet games on. If he is sincere, he will show and tell you everything. If not, be nosy...because it hurts if you're not.

  7. my question is this, how can u even trust him.. and what kind of relationship will u have without trust.. ?

  8. I hope that deep down you know that your relation  is bad .You need to sit and set your value .Leave the other woman alone .You aren`t there to clean up his mess .He is the one sending messages over the net,yelling I am free .

  9. First why does your husband have multiple email accounts if he has nothing to hide, or isnt doing anything wrong. Second why is your husband talking to other women online. I know I know, men and women can be friends but typically friends dont meet online with multiple email address. Your husband is the problem, not the other woman. Apparently your husband led her to believe they had something or I dont think she would continue to pursue him. Maybe she is pregnant with his baby.  

  10. This is a bit harsh but the easiest way to get rid of this woman is to un-plug the computer! Yes, go through puter withdraws for a while and she will move on

  11. You dont handle her. You handle your husband and you.

    Delete the account.

    You cant control the other woman. The fault remains with him for establishing the relationship to start with. So forget about her and make it a fresh start the right way with your husband if your choice is to stay with him by getting rid of all accounts and call it a day.

  12. Block her! Problem solved.

  13. first don't let your husband get off that easy he crossed the line an allowed a women in to your home, that's a BIG NO NO .the person is not going to go away and the more you tell her to stop the more you give her the power to make you crazy. stop responding to her, and don't read her mail just delete it.

  14. You should worry about him, not her. He may still want to bang her.

  15. u should be worrying about HIM, not HER!

  16. um, have him change his e-mail address for starters.

  17. Well he is probably the one who initiated it in the first place. Men like to blame the women as the agressors...Just tell her plain and simple that its over whatever little thing they had going, and the jig is found buzz off sister or you will have to knock her block off!!!

  18. I would start out by getting a different email address.  Secondly I would block all of her emails,  Thirdly I would caution your husband not to do this again!

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