
What should i do at my 12th birthday party/sleepover?

by Guest65102  |  earlier

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I just turned 12 and i am having my sleepover and i cant think of what to do please help.Thanks




  1. Your too young to be asking questions on here...

  2. -Im 12 too!

    -Decorate cupcakes or cakes

    -give makeovers

    -play girlie games like truth or dare or secret circle

    -board games

    -watch movies

    theres lots to do at sleepovers!


  3. For safety reasons, children under the age of 13 are not permitted to ask or answer questions on Yahoo! Answers.

  4. sleep and party...

  5. You can pick a theme if you like and cater everything to that. For example, if you do a spa party theme you could do facials, manicures and massages.

    Plan for some good food (pizza works great) and some games. Give your guests things to do, but if they want to watch a movie instead (or not watch the movie) be flexible and just have fun!

    You can do some other fun things like going on a flashlight treasure hunt, playing twister, etc.

    Good luck!

  6. sleep

  7. Nothing naughty.

  8. i dont know why are you asking me

  9. here you go this site is awesome

  10. watch movies, prank call people, talk about boys, paint nails, give make-overs, turn up whatever music you like and dance, and other fun things

  11. Well, watch some movies and have popcorn and supper. For supper order a pizza or make a pizza! Hotdogs or hamburgers or nachos are good too. But watch some movies. Go to blockbuster with one of ur guests and choose a movie or 2. Play  water games! In the day go swimming or have a water fight! Also to keep it cheap go to the dollar store there are TONNES of party favors and games and stuff for you to choose from. Get some beads there and make a BFF bracelet! It will be really cool for you all to have matching bracelets that fit your personality!

  12. truth or dare(: or twister assuming girls are gonna be there

  13. I know that when I had my 12th birthday party last year, I wasn't able to have a sleepover, but what we did was hire a DJ. [He was actually my uncle, so we didn't actually hire him, but whatever.] We all hung out at my house and danced and ate and stuff. My friend's having her party too, and she's going to have games, like relay races and such.

    If you don't like dancing or music [>,<] then you can have an outing to the movies or to a restaurant, and then back home for the sleepover part. This is on the pricier side, but still works.

    If you want to shoot for the stars with your sleepover, hold it at a hotel.

    If you need an opinion, e-mail me. Hope this helped!

  14. YOur 12, so I think you should play some games like twister, truth or dare, karaoke, maybe make up dances to your favorite songs. Get some makeup and make each others face up, make them look really silly, or make them look glamorous. Oh and don't forget to take pictures so you can remember how much fun you guys had!

  15. go in the pool, fill up ballons with water and throw them at each other.(i love doing that) blast music. && do truth and dare but whats even more fun just do dares and put them all over the house and let them look for them and it is more funner:]

  16. are u male or female...totally different for each

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