
What should i do at night for my slumber party? help please!!!

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What should i do at night for my slumber party? help please!!!




  1. Play board or card games

    Rent some movies to watch.

    Paint fingernails and talk.

    Have the party start out somewhere else like a skating rink, then afterwards go to your house.

  2. how old ???

    8 year old play board games and watch movies

    10 year old play board games and watch movies

    12 year old play board games and watch movies

    14 year old play board games and watch movies

  3. Materials:



    -music(very loud)

    -stuffed animals(have a contest)

    -sing songs(do a kareoke if u have instrumentals on cds or computer or mp3 players)

    -make creative stories

    -talk about serious stuff

    -do each others hair/nails

    -play truth or dare(seriously)

    -play games

    -take lots of pics

  4. I would start by getting naked.

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