
What should i do childcare or somthing with animals?

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i love babys and little kids and i get along well with most of them especialy babys im good with them.....but i love animals too but i am alergic but there is special stuff i can take, im not sure im 15 but i want to make up my mind so i can get ready for and stuff.... what is more work and harder to do????




  1. It seems most important to enjoy what you do when it comes to a career. Like it not just love the babies or animals. Like taking care of them in whatever profession you are thinking of doing. Dedication to the reason you choose that job.

    Now would be the time to volunteer in activities that involve working with children or animals. Interacting by babysitting or dog walking. Taking care of pets while friends are on vacation. Interview veterinaries, teachers, caregivers and even talk with your own parents. Research and ask to observe in preschools, hospitals, animal clinics etc. Think of other things you might be interested in pursuing. Do you want to do something with children or animals cause they are cute or do you have a goal to help or teach? Good luck and keep researching. You are wise in thinking about this before you graduate high school.

  2. That is something you'll have to work out for yourself. Perhaps sitting jobs and some doggie-walking and the like would help make up your mind. In other words, get a little experience in working with them both before you decide.

  3. Don't chose a job based off what is harder work.  If you enjoy the work, it won't seem as hard.

    Taking care of animals and taking care of children BOTH are demanding jobs.  There is a lot of work involved in both.  Thing you normally would not think about.  From a childcare perspective, it is easy to look and see that you are just watching children all day.  What someone might not see is the amount of time you need to spend learning about child development so you know how to answer parents' questions.  They don't see the amount of time you spend filling in parent communication books.  They do not see the amount of time you spend planning what you are going to do.  They do not see you spending 1/2 hour on the phone talking to a parent who is concerned that her child is not walking at 3 months and trying to explain that comes later in life.  They do not see you attending CPR and First Aid Classes.  They do not see how you juggle between 2 or 3 crying babies to try to get them settled in.  They do not get the point.

    I'm sure any career choice with animals has a similar list of "They do not see...."  So what you have to do (and don't have PLENTY of time) is figure out what you want to do.  Look into what both jobs require and see which one you're more excited to work in.  When you turn 16, take a part time job in one or the other for a year.  Then switch jobs and see which one you enjoy more.


  4. Animals!!

  5. Neither, actually.  Neither will pay you a wage you can live on.  If you ever have to work to support yourself, (and most of us will) you'll starve, and plan on working even if you marry.... 50% of all marriages fail, and that means if you have children you will be the  single mom trying to stay above the poverty line.  Not fun, sweetie.  

    There's a new saying...."Do what you HAVE to to to be able to do what you WANT to do."  Think about it!!

    Here's what my mom started hammering into my head when I was l3... read the part about education.

    1.  The most important decision you will ever make is who you marry.  Choose with your head as well as your heart.

    2.  Have no children until your bond is strong, and have no more than you yourself can support.  You may just have to

    3.  At any and all costs finish your education to qualify for those high paying jobs.  It is likely that you will work sometime during your marriage, probably for decades…. Get paid for it. And remember, your kids and your education are forever…. Husbands, lovers and promises are not!!

    4.  Have a stash of cash no one knows about even if you are sure you will never need it.  You absolutely will, and the more the better.

    My mom's comment is, "You don't want to end up to be a ribbon clerk."  So, tho you may love animals and children, do that in your volunteer time.... at a shelter for critters, and at a place where they need people to read to kids... But as a life work?  Hon, there aren't enough hours in a day for you to work to pay your bills.  Trust me

  6. i don't know if you mean when your older a baby or animal but if that's the case i would suggest maybe have a baby and after a while when the baby get older 2 3 years get a pet so the baby can grow up with the pet and have a lifelong bond then later on when the baby is older he will have a companion

  7. kids would probably be harder but fun,but so would animals. maybe you could find something that involves both.

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