
What should i do concerning the kitten i found in my front yard?

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we took care of it for 3 days so far. it has no collar or name. its a black cat. we dont know what to do. should we release her or keep her until we know what to do. How much would it be to get her shots? should we take her to the doctor just in case? plz give me as much advice as you can. anthing will help




  1. Take her to the vet as soon as you can.  An office visit is usually around 45-75 dollars depending where you live.  If you want to keep her keep her.  She is a stray if she has no collar.  She is probably a stray.  I'd keep her.  She is outside so some one doesn't care enough about her if she was someones.  Keep her have fun it is awesome to own a cat.

  2. You don't have to get her shots.You should keep it if you feel pity for her.

    If you don't at least give her to somebody so that she can be taken care for.

  3. If you don't want to/can't keep her take her to a reputable animal shelter. If you do then you need to take her to a vet so she can have a check up and get her shots, She really does need them especially as you don't know where she has been. The vet can tell you everything that you need to know about caring for her.

    If you are worried about taking her to a shelter because she might belong to someone, Don't. If they really care about her and want her back then they will already have been in contact with the shelter asking if she has been brought in and they can come and get her. And  they haven't then she will be put up for adoption and will get a new home.

    Whatever you do please don't put her back outside hoping that she will find her way home cause she won't. She is too young to be outside and there are a lot of bad things that could happen to her.

  4. kittens usually do not stray to far from home.  That is unless it has been dropped off.  People used to do that at our farm.  Drop off their kittens to fend for themselves or we take them in.  They did not ask permission.  I would put up a few fliers "kitten found", call the local spca.  If there is no claim.  It is yours or the spca will take it if you don't want it.

  5. You could put it up for adoption on They sell everything, from cars to baby clothes to pets. Shots, depending on which ones you get, usually cost anywhere from $70 to $200, like I said depending on which shots you get and where. If you give the kitten to the Humane Society, they will either give it up for adoption or put it to sleep. If noone adopts it, however, they will most likely put it to sleep.

    Hope this helps!

  6. Contact the humane society or a rescue group. You might also want to take it to the vet and have it scanned for a microchip.

  7. Well i think you should keep it. Don't worry about family members who are scared of cats. I have 2 former strays and my household would never allow a cat. As far as shots, they're pretty inexpensive. I found a place by my house that is like 15-20$ for the first set of shots. The cat will most likely have some fleas, so get an inexpensive flea bath at the vet.

  8. Cats choose people. I have a little Black kitty named Pearl; she's fantastic! Your Avatar suggests that you should have a Black cat. Everybody should! Take good care of your kitty - she's good luck!  

  9. do you want keep it?

    bring inside, feed it cat food, get a litter box, bring it to bed with you.

    check newspapers and shelters to see if it was reported missing, if no one claims it, vet for a check up and you can discuss shots, neutering, cost and payment plans.

    prices vary, not all shots are required, and everything does not have to be done at the same time.

  10. if you can keep her then do, yes take her to the vet as soon as you can... it won't cost much  for a checkup and shots... If you don't want her, please don't just let her go... Take her to the vet or humane society so they can attempt to adopt her out.  

  11. shots can be $ but if you love it you  should  keep it.if you dont place a newspaper ad or take it to a shelter.

  12. take it to the vet and post found kitten posters around where you live with your number so they can contact you and if no one answers your signs then the kitten is yours. or you could try to sell it.

  13. If you dont want to keep it, take it to your local animal shelter and explain that you've found it. If you want to keep it, make sure someone isnt looking for it, maybe place found kitten signs around your neighborhood. Then take it to the vet for a check-up and it's shots.

  14. Do you want to keep it?If yes...

    -Give it shots. It will cost a lot, but if you want to keep it as a pal, then its totally worth it.

    - Keep it as an indoor kitty. It has less chance of dying early (and your money won't go to waste this way)

    If not.....

    -Give it to a shelter.

    -Don't give it shots if you don't plan on keeping it. Its basically money down the drain.

    I suggest you take action fast. And, as a keeper of 5 cats, I'm letting you know that keeping a kitten is a beautiful thing and worth your while, money, and time.  


  16. do you like the cat?...if noone is looking for it..and you like the kitty...keep it...and then take care of it as you would anything else..

    shots are not that much.. give it a name ...and love it ...

    if you don't want it ...carry it to the pound...but remember....i hate to bring this up...but i got to be honest..

    if the kitty founds no home in 30 days will be ...huh...put to heaven....thats is how it is around might be different where you are...oh yea...git it fixed...its about $50 dollars...

    have fun with it...    ED

  17. First off, if you intend to keep her, legally you need to put up notices, such as a newspaper ad, Posters in the supermarket, and vet offices.  This requirement changes from place to place.

    Don't release her back to the outdoors.  This is cruel, and there is a very good chance the kitten won't survive.

    If you can't keep her or don't want her, the best thing to do is to drop her off at a humane society or animal rescue.  Many of these places have an open door policy.  Animal control is another choice.  But if any of these places are full, there is a chance that your kitten will be put down.  Go to for a list of Shelters near you if you are in the US and Canada.  If you call ahead, you should be able to figure out this kittens chances for being adopted.

    If you decide to keep, you need to get her shots, and fixed (spayed or neutered) at four or five months old.  Shots and Dewormer need to happen right now, especially if you have other animals.

    As for cost, this depends on where you live.  Vet costs in cities tend to be higher than rural areas.  But You can budget $250 for shots, and spay or neuter.  Your local humane society might have a low cost options available.  You will have to check.

    Hope this helps!

    I actually just dropped off a kitten to a very good shelter on Tuesday - found the kitten on the side of the road Monday.  The shelter will keep her as a stray for five days to see if she gets claimed (Minnesota Law), and then put her up for adoption.  Once shes out on the adoption floor, I suspect that she will be adopted within a day or two.  But, each shelter has different policies.

  18. Take it to a local animal shelter. they'll giver her a check up

  19. ok well she pob. got lost or ran off and got lost but i would wait for a little bit longer see if anyone is lookin for him/her and if nothin then i would take it to the pound and the pound will take care of it the will not kill it they would keep it till someone adoped it  

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