
What should i do ?? dept housing who leaves ??

by  |  earlier

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my question is complicated , I am male aged in 40s

I have been with my defacto for over 15years , in all that time she has used drugs just pot but everyday , I could never get her to stop

anyway,, in the last 4 years she has been smoking pot called hydroponic

and she has changed ,,she now craves for this non stop , the last 18months I have tryed to get her to slow down but she would go behind my back buy and the stuff and sneak around and smoke it,

and now when i tell her we dont have the money for it she goes crazy and screams abuse , tells me she hates me, she is out of control

we are both on the dept housing lease ,,but she keeps telling me to get out

we have kids up to 15yrs old,, that she runs me down too them and says really bad things , about me and is now threatening to tell both housing and police that i am violent in order to get me kicked out she says she has friends, that will lie for her and and back her up ,,

I dont want to get her in trouble but I am at a complete loss I feel like Iam going out of my mind , Iam to old to start again but fear she will force me out to have the house,, and use it her and her drugo friends , when really it is for us and the kids will housing force me to leave ????




  1. She needs help with her addiction and you need to protect yourself and your children.

    Go to the authorities.

  2. maybe someone should remind her if dept of housing finds out she is using drugs  and using them in the house she could be asked to take a drug test and be thrown out too. if she is going to smoke pot she really shouldn't be drawing attention to herself from housing or the police.

  3. Why would you let a woman who has serious problems force you out and away from your kids?  You need to be proactive and go to the housing police and family court to protect yourself and your kids.  

    Domestic violence affects both men and women.

  4. You want this behavior stopped?  Call the cops and bust her.  A court order will put her into treatment.  If you continue to live with this behavior with those children, they you are not right.  You're not to old to start again.  

  5. yeah, that stuff screws with your head, ruins your life.

    being in a defacto relationship for 15yrs, you would be treated as a married couple, and she cant force you to leave, because your both on the lease, but she COULD make life very difficult for you. if you love her enough, and want the relationship to continue, id'e give her an ultimatum!!! if she doesnt clean up her act, you WILL report her. and follow through with it. the kids will hate you, but they'll get over it.

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