
What should i do for a 12hr drive?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going away and it takes 12hrs to get there, im not driving what are some ideas to do in the car?




  1. you should fly.....

  2. listen to music and watch south park

  3. music pls...

  4. play lots of kiddy games like eye-spy :)

    sometimes my family and i play alphabet games, where each person has to name a country or animal or vegetable beginning with each letter of the alphabet.

    you could take a book to read, or take your camera and take heaps of pics.

    and why not talk to the driver :)

    people love to talk about funny stories whilst they're driving through the countryside.

    and may i recommend that you take a pillow to put behind your back? car seats can become quite hard, and it's better than lying on the seatbelt if you want a nap.

    have fun!

  5. Buy a portable DVD player and bring it in the car. Of course listen to your favorite music that you can totally rock out to. I'm not sure how much they cost. It all depends on the brand and quality of course. You could also sleep. That certainly passes the time

  6. If you're not the driver it could be a good idea if you stay awake and alert and make sure the driver does too.

    It's very easy and dangerous to lose concentration after so long on the road.

  7. Listen to your favourite songs.. Upbeat kind of songs.. Maybe songs that everyone in the whole car knows, then you can have a sing along.

    Play games.. Word games?

    Sleep. lol

    Do you have any electronic games that everyone except the driver can play? Do you have a bop it toy by any chance? they're really good for group fun.. Or just by yourself.. or in pairs.. But it can make people really really frustrated at times.. Especially with beating high scores..

    I Spy.... Punch Buggy..  

  8. Buy some magnetic board games, play cards, read (if you don't get motion sickness), take a portable dvd player to watch, sleep, write a story, listen to an audio book

  9. 1.bring along magazines, crosswords, word searches, sudoku(if you dont know how to play now would be a good time to learn)

    2.bring a pillow-sleeping occupies alot of time

    3.if you have a laptop,portable dvd player, or any other device that plays movies bring it along and several movies you like.

    4.make a mixed cd of some good songs you like and can sing along to

    5.bring along some snacks about things with the driver.ask questions and let them ask you. it defintley with help time pass by.

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