
What should i do for my 14th birthday party ?

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i need some cool ideas for my b day party. i love to have fun and im pretty much up for anything





  2. um well i just turned 14 like 3 weeks ago lol so i think i can help you.

    for my party its easy because its in the summer and i have a pool.

    it really depends if you're inviting just girls, or girls and guys, or just guys. whatever floats your boat.

    for mine it was girls and guys.

    so my yard is pretty big. i decided i wanted to set up a tent and have the girls stay over for a sleepover.

    but during the boys and girls part of the party, we just swam, ate, and had fun. the party was 5-10. we played manhunt which was really fun. also we found some old fireworks in my garage and played around with them. we had sparklers, botttle rockets, and others. it was really fun. it also helps if all your friends get along.

    you might want to think up a theme.

    whatever you like.


    slip and slides are always fun, if you have one or if someone you are inviting has one, tell them to bring it.

    have fun and happy birthday.

  3. i hired a limo one year for my birthday and drove around with friends for a few hours it was really funnn i recommend it :)

  4. you should have a cookout and a scavenger hunt of your favorite things around town. like divide into teams and have them find your favorite soda, a your favorite candy bar, a t-shirt of your favorite sports team, and stuff like that. but your friends all have to know what those things are if they want to win...

  5. I say you invite a nerd that no one likes and just mess with him/her all night long. Lock him/her in the closet, spill stuff on him/her, pull their pants off, etc. However, you MUST make it seem like this person is your new best pal so after every stunt, say "hey, it's just a joke, buddy". This person Will feel privileged and not tell the police. Enjoy and happy birthday.

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