
What should i do for my 19th birthday

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last year i turned 18 and it was the worst birthday ever. usually i don't do anything but eat cake with my parents and brothers and have a home made dinner. last year i was really disappointed in my family because i got a phone call from my aunt and i was thinking she was wishing me happy birthday. instead..... she invited me to my grandmas birthday party and the date was on my birthday. i was like h**l no what is wrong with u. Ever single person in my family forgot my birthday. so this year i want to do something that would be supper fun and not invite them. i want t make them mad because the way they made me feel. is that bad? i don't care its what i want to any ideas.




  1. I'm afraid I can't really offer many good suggestions. Personally my family forgot my birthday two years running and my dad can't even remember my age. I guess I no longer place so much importance on birthdays, gifts or recognition but it must feel disappointing not to get anything of the sort. Perhaps at the time they forgot your birthday you could have spoken to them about how you felt. I'm sure they would have wanted to congratulate you and felt bad about it and then you might not have felt so bad yourself and had to hold a grievance.

    Perhaps it's a bit of a cliche but I do feel that you make your own happiness. You may not get the point of informing people that it's your birthday (shouldn't they be making the effort for you?) but the effort of organising your own get together is generally more rewarding than waiting for people who may or may not remember to do so. Personally I don't like announcing my birthday but I do enjoy a chance to invite my friends and have company, do stuff I enjoy rather than anything particularly special or birthday-like. For this birthday, why don't you invite some friends to your house and have a party (you could make it a themed thing, whatever), or go out with them to dinner?

  2. Hey forget about the past okay! Look youre one smart lady and i know you dont do those childish anticipation that youre thinking right now. If you have enough money then prepare a simple party for the whole family, cook some dinner for everybody just a simple one. But before you do that  make some simple invitation on your computer print it and deliver it to them this time make it earlier not on the last minute so they wont make plans ahead of your plans, dont forget to invite some of your friends too in that case if they jeopardize your day again at least your friend will be there to celebrate it with you. Dont think bad okay! Always remember God will always be there for you.Goodluck and wish you the best on your forthcoming birthday!

  3. wow u made it another year in life and are still holding a grudge...i understand your feelings of being forgotten but maybe you should flip it and do like i've done since i was six. i make sure i announce at every given oppurtunity that my birthday is coming and i start at least a month ahead  so no one has the option of forgetting.

  4. my family always forgot my b-day  so u r turning 19

    !i wish i were in ur place so go out with ur friends go clubbing n forget all the fuss!

  5. That'ss kind of immature isn't it? I'm sure they didn't mean too! You are 19, these are times you need to start maturing. When i was 19 i didn't do  much of anything  because once your a certain age you dont need to have a party or do something all out Untill your next big birthday which would be 21! . Maybe invite acouple of good friends over and go to the movies or go shopping. Maybe go on a road trip? Good luck. and happy birthday!  

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