
What should i do for my 23 birthday this month?

by  |  earlier

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at the moment im thinking of booking on the vip of a celeb club/ bar again and going to dinner with loads of friends, but i do that often enough without having bdays!? so i need a better idea, im mostly in central london so there should be loads to do???

where else can i book??? or what should i do?




  1. Do a google search and then try yahoo to compare places.

  2. I think, all you saying is wasting of time and money. Go into your bedroom and have a good sleep!

  3. First make a list of everything you like. Then make a second list of everything you don't like. Be brutally honest with yourself. Put your most favourite thing on top of the first list and your most hated thing on top of your second list & so on.

    Then starting with the top item on your first list write down a place or event where you will find it. Move onto the top item on your 2nd list and write down a place or event where you can avoid it. Then move back to the second item on your first list and so on.

    At the end of this you will have a list of places/events to go for and a list of places/events to avoid. Look down this first list for the word that occurs the most times. This is the first choice place/event to go for. Look at this second list for the word that occurs the most times. This is definitely the place/event not to go for.

    Knowing where not to go is as important as knowing where to go! By using these 2 lists together eventually ideas will present themselves to you. I know its a bit of thinking but you only get out of life what you put in!!!!!

    By the way if you do not have a boyfriend for your 23rd you can use this technique to find the ideal profile. A list of what you like and a list of what you don't like.

    P.S. Don't be surprised if I am on the top of the list of men to avoid. Heh heh

    Happy birthday !

  4. HAve a big Birthday party with family   and enjoy yourself and if your still in the mood go out with your friends and have a drink and parrrrrtay

  5. depends on one important thing...

    your budget..

    if your living in london, like me  and dunno.. i find it funnier..

    you haven't given us enough background on what you like, so i can't really answer.

    perhaps theres something you've never done, that always wanted to do.. after all it is gonna be your birthday ;-)

  6. come on down here to Miami,FL South Beach Beach's,clubs, and stars all here.

  7. Go to Disney Land Florida!

  8. You should vote for the media man of the year

  9. What ever you want but just tell everyone you are only 18...again

  10. go to madam Jo Jo's! its in Soho i think.. the cabaret looks like a lot of fun and i think you can arrange being taken to a club for vip treatment after the show :)

  11. Buy stock,get 401K,buy Life Ins..Richer by 50

  12. Club 18 to 30 Holiday

  13. Ask Superman, sure he can pull something off for ya!!

  14. Grab a really close friend and take yourself off to Omnia Somnia - in Derbyshire - OK so its a B&B but they do great evening meals if asked - and just for a change you get to unwind without the need to party all night long.

    Enough time for that on your Hen Night!!

    Well thats my recommendation - and to think Im old enough to be your Grandfather!!

    Take care whatever you do xx

  15. Do a massive 'dim sum' in chinatown on an afternoon - you can always go on to a film/coffee/pub after and be left with the night to take you wherever you like!

    Or if the weather holds - have a huge picnic somewhere like hyde park.  ask everyone to bring a dish/drink of their favourite food and provide paper plates and cutlery for everyone.

    its great to bring a frisbee/ball/cricket set also...  play a game of adult pass the parcel with a treat and a dares under each layer for those friends who don't know each other so well to have a laugh with something amusing in the middle.

    happy birthday!

  16. you should invite me ;-)

  17. Happy Birthday!

    Hope you decide without Our Help!   That way..... YOU choose.....!

    Go to Hyde Park.... and Sit on a Bench by yourself.... or Under a Tree.... and Take about An Hour...... and ... THINK THIS ONE..... THROUGH..... THOROUGHLY!

    YOU... will have Many More.... Chances to Celebrate your Birthday!   Don't put yourself under the Heap trying to figure out Something Special!

    Of course you could take the Euro Star... to Paris..... and Celebrate it with Lunch up on the Ifel Tower?

    Or even a Pick nick on the Cliffs of Dover.... overlooking the Sea with a Bottle of Champagne?

    Thanks, RR

  18. Go and do something for someone who is not as fortunate as you, and tell yourself how lucky you are. You will feel much better about yourself.

  19. Karaoke booth near oxford street station - you rent a room with i think 10peeps and sing your hearts out with noone else watchign! they bring your drinks whilst you sing away! fab!

  20. come and sit on my face, happy birthday.

  21. Go to Bistroteque in Hackney for dinner and then downstairs to the transvestite cabaret. The grub is outstanding and entertainment really will have you in fits of laughter. You'll have to book though.

  22. Honestly if your looking for something different go to absolut ice bar in London off regent street! Its an experience not to be missed its reasonably priced for london and then finish there onto a club afterwards! If your just trying to get something nice to eat try tepinyaki its an exciting japenes/thai style of cooking which is interesting!!

    P.s Am i invited?! ha!

  23. That bubble bath spa thing with lavender soap has always worked for you. I would just take the phone off the hook and make it last maybe two hours so you can enjoy your wine as you sip it without having to think too much about reality for say, six hours afterwards...

  24. Hi SuperGirl,

    Easy, give me a call being a Head Chef i would seduce you with food ( if out of the question have a great time anyway )

    Here's hoping....;-)


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