
What should i do for my fish?

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my fish is sitting at the bottom of the tank...and its scales are flaking & on its fin theres a lil bit of white on it. what should i do?




  1. It sounds like your fish may have fin rot. Personally, I think the best treatment for fin rot is to use melafix as prescribed on the bottle. You can find it at your local fish shop, pet shop or sometimes walmart will carry it.

    Edit: I see that someone gave soop a thumbs down but listen to him because he is more than likely right. I always listen to him when I need advice...and he is usually correct!

  2. Scales flaking off are a very separate issue from fin rot.  This sounds more like fish TB, which is usually fatal.  A strong antibiotic like Kanaplex, Maracyn 2, and/or Terramycin would be a good idea for treatment.  Melafix is a preventative, and will have little affect on actually killing the bacteria.  It may help to heal the fins after the fish is cured, but will do little to reach that point.  The above three medications will also be very effective to treat fin rot.  During treatment, remove any activated carbon from the filter, and if using tetracycline, minocycline, or oxytetracycline based medications, keep the tank dark, as these drugs degrade with exposure to light.

  3. It most likely is dieing of a disease, so as soon as you can you need to go to your local pet shop, and buy a product called mela fix.  It works the best for everything that is wrong with your fish!!!

  4. Now I have to stick my 2 cents in. Soop and Michelle has given very good answers. Yes, Melafix can heal fin rot, but the scales flaking up like that is a way different issue like how Soop says. Whomever gave soop a thumbs down doesn't realize that you are going to cause more harm to the askers question than any good. Soop is very intellectual when it comes to treating fish for diseases. I support Soop and I'll also support Michelle as well. But for whom gave Soops a thumbs down, don't even bother answering this askers question because you are only going to harm the askers fish.

    Soop also knows that it could be different possibilities for the scales flaking. It's a highly possibility that it's also known as Dropsy. Dropsy is very deadly, and it's very hard to cure. When a fish has dropsy, the chances that your fish will survive is really slim. It is very important that you listen carefully to what soop is trying to tell you, because if you don't, you'll make a lot of mistakes and you'll end up coming back here and asking for help again. The reason why I identify the flaking scales as Dropsy is due to the fact that your fish is just sitting at the bottom of the tank, most often than not, fishes with Dropsy will behave like this. As for fin rot, fin rot is usually caused by fishes nipping at the fins or it's because the quality of the water is really bad and it's causing ammonia which contains a form of acid that will deteriorate the fins.

    Anyways, I hope that this is a help and a learning experience for you, so please whatever you do, please listen to Soops and Michelle......... Good luck............

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