
What should i do for two Bearded dragons?

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would i be able to put two female bearded dragons in a 40 gallon 36x16x16 tank. i dont see why i would need an extra 2 inches of width and 2 of hight for a tank. lol




  1. You talkin' about babies, before they grow up and get 'tude?'

    Sure.  Go for it, if you are sure they are lil girls.

    And no, you don't need hight for beardies.  You need floor, so check into reptile tanks.

    A 40 isn't enough for one, and you wanna put two in there?

    DID your research on your BD's, and DO you know how large they will grow to be?

    Babies grow up.

    Do you know they are solitary animals, and once mature - can inflict life ending injuries to each other?  And even kill one another?

    As long as you can refrute all the known facts, and do what no one else has managed?  Document it all, and open new behavior research for the rest of us.

    Until you can disprove known facts - don't make the animals pay for YOUR mistakes.

    An extra 2" is not the issue.  Your facts are.

    So, to answer your Q - Im my HO, you can't use a 40 gal. for a single single animal.

    I hope this has been helpful.

    Enjoy your pets.

  2. Housing two females together will sometimes work, but that's usually the exception, rather than the rule. Even females may compete over food and basking spots, and may eventually fight as well.

    Do yourself and your beardie a big favor, don't house them together. It will probably just result in problems for them and you, and you'll end up with a huge vet bill if one of them should injure the other.

    A 40gal is the bare minimum for ONE ADULT beardie and would really be better if you had a larger one instead. The best way to house 2 females would be in a 8'x2'x2' with separate basking spots and separate feeding areas.

    Either way, the best way to house them is separetly, but if it needs to be done, go with the largest size possible, or even build your own.

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