
What should i do? i deleted my group a week ago & some member is asking alll my friends used to be in group?

by  |  earlier

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to be in her group she created? i already lined up what i wanted & had a mod already, i had the dang flu & this gal, sent me & rest of the former members e mail to her group. you know, im very sick of how im treated, i can get people to chat good, i had to delete it of very personal issues, Im so hurt, i may never look at a yahoo group again, i feel they can break up friendships, what do you think? ughhhh Grrrrrrrrr




  1. you know, people belong to many groups, some belong to just one. I run into my members all over Yahoo groups.  there's also many rival groups out there- but since you did delete your group, it would seem to me those friends wanted a group and most times a group disappears, the members form a new group.

    join the new group and be a friend, you don't have to post, you could be a lurker :)   and create your own new group, invite them over. if they join great. if they don't you may meet more new friends and before you know it, all that will be in the past and forgotten about.

    good luck

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