
What should i do i dropped out in tenth grade and im 18?

by  |  earlier

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Well i dropped out in tenth grade and i tried night school and a millitary academy but i am to un motivated and without confidence in myself i care to much about what other people think and i want to better myself and do something with my life but i dont have the slightest clue what to do next i kno i need an education but idk whats availiable to me




  1. Go for your GED. It's somewhat easier and faster than regular school. Alot of jobs at least require that you alteast have a diploma or a GED. You can even take the GED test at home (on your own paste). It's up to you.


    answer my q?;... thanks have a good day! ~S

  3. I'm 18 and didnt evne start my senior year, re-enroll.

  4. Study for your GED than learn a trade or something your good at.

    Ps... don't think about what people have to say or think. They suck.  

  5. Get a GED. Without one, you'll have a really tough time getting good jobs.

  6. Go see if a community college offers a GED course. I took one and it made alot easier to pass the test. Than you will at least have the opportunity to go to college when you figure out what you want to do.

  7. You screwed up. However, you have a good thing in that you are still young enough to overcome it in a very big way. First of all, go get your GED! That gives you a high school diploma. Next, enroll in a local community college. For two reasons: A) it is inexpensive and B) you WILL get accepted. Once you take some basic core courses (YES, the ONES everyone HATES!!! sorry!! But you have to do it) then hopefully, by then, you will have been able to figure out a plan on something that interests you and something that you would like to do in life. IF NOT, you need to seek out some GOOD/GREAT guidance counselors to help you figure out what you would like to do and what you would be good at.  You are correct.... in this day and age, you NEED an education or you will be stuck in a minimum wage paying job without the ability to support yourself OR even a family. You will ALWAYS be wanting and wishing for a way to get more $ and without an education, it won't happen! PLUS.... think about this... you might find your future educated spouse at school which then increases your financial stability in life.  If you don't get your head on your shoulders now and you let more time pass, you will be sad and sorry the rest of your life. I hated high school, I didn't do well. I did OK in college, but I got through it. I got a great paying job which afforded me a nice car and new home. I met my husband at college. I ended up with an MBA and now I'm a stay at home mom!!! LOL  But just think... I have the tools in my backpack of life should I EVER need to support myself. And what an example for my kids.  I am NOT lucky, I hate that term. I WORKED for everything that I have. YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!!!!!  Best to you.

  8. You are still young, and you still have a chance to finish. If they won't let you go back to school, you can at least get a GED. It is a diploma and is just as good as a High School Diploma. Do the right thing and make something good of your life. Don't be stupid, get your life back, while you can. Don't worry about what other people think, you have to think about yourself.

    Good Luck, and I hope this helps

  9. There is adult education.  You can get your GED.  You are on the right track! Try, try, again!  Talk to people, call a school for info, talk to a your research online.  There is help for you! If you say you want to better yourself SO GO FOR IT!  You have nothing to loose and everything to gain!  Good luck!  You can do it!

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