
What should i do i feel like my life isnt gonna start until im 18!!!

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im 17 and just feel like my life is so boring at the moment and i want to go clubbing so bad!!!! its not fair that some people my age or younger can get into clubs without id!! i also want to be able to go out without my mum ringing me up every 5 mins, i plan to live with my dad in sheffield when im 18 and i really miss it there and i just dont know how im going to cope another year here because nothing exciting ever happens, ive never even had a boyfriend, im so lonely!!!

thanks xxxxxxxxxx




  1. clubs bore me to death now, not like they used to be. All crappy music and alcopops these days...

    Do you not have friends you can hang out with?

  2. Dont you have friends to share your problems with....this is outta a strangers comfort zone....i really dunnoe wot to advise...

  3. Well do things that make u feel happy.That u enjoy doing.make new to ur mom abt ur problems if u can. may be if  u can talk or meet up ur dad for good.join some activity classes.Life is how we think abt good day.good luck.

  4. don't wish your life away! believe me, in a few years time you will be wishing you were 17 again!!  What do the rest of your friends do?

    Can't you go live with your dad now?

    Cheer up ma dear, things will get better!

  5. Get over it.  You need to be satisfied with who and what you are at this point in time.  Otherwise you will be 18 and realize their a 19yr old people doing things you can't yet.  If you wish to live your life as this then you will never be happy.

  6. Your life started when you were born

  7. when you turn 18,thats when you can go clubbing.Enjoy your life while your young.

  8. I guarantee you that there is stuff you are doing _now_ that you will look back on happily when you are older. Guarantee it.

    Course, you don't know what it is. That's the curse of time lol.

    But enjoy your life being simple hun. It has a habit of getting complicated quick.

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