
What should i do ...i have a 3 mon old daughter breast feeding can i fast during ramadan?

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this is my first baby...alhumdullilah....and i am breast feeding her and want to continue till 1 yr...but can i fast during breastfeeding....coz i really want to fast this last year i couldnt as i was pls tell me can i fast and breastfeed at same time..will it lower down my milk supply?.....and also i had my IUD placement last month and my doctor told me that i 'll be spotting for next 3 in that case also can i fast?/.




  1. Dear

    Feed your kid.

    Without new born kids there'll be noone to worship imaginary Allah.

  2. Salam for you my dear sister Candy and Bella.You both almost have the same question. I think you are better no fasting durung ramadan this year because your baby is too young (3 months old) who needs exclusive breast feeding and can not be feed by baby's meal But it is better you consult your dictor if you are eager to fast.Allah gives you an easiness by excepting in fasting but you must pay your obligation the same number of days non fasting in another months after your baby more than 6 months old.In the holy Qur'an,Allah suggested mother to breast feeding during 24 months of her baby but at least for 1 year will be better for your baby's intelligence and immunity.

    If you will fast during ramadan you must eat before shubuh and after maghrib more foods and drinks with good and adequate nutrition for your baby.In day time your baby should be feed by your own breast milk plus cow fesh milk if your breast milk is not enough.

  3. I am not Muslim but I did have a Muslim partner for some time and the first time he observed Ramadan it was difficult for me but it made me understand the dedication needed by him to under go this period - it is no easy thing!

    I have read the answers here with interest because there is so much misconception on the media as to what being a Muslim truly is.

    Apart from the few radical answers I would like to say I am pleasantly

    suprised about the advice given; how sensible, and kind with loving thought behind it.

    The more I learn about the true Muslim faith the more I feel we are brothers but practicing faith in different ways.

    I wish some of the Christians here would behave in the same manner and stop arguing amongst themselves - that is what will destroy the Christian religion eventually not other religions.

    To the lady that is breast feeding, I believe Allah/God or whatever we perceive him to be would not expect a child so young to suffer in the name of religion and it's important to maintain a healthy stable diet so that your baby can thrive, grow big and strong and follow in your faith.

    Blessings to you at Ramadan

  4. Salam Alikom Sister.

    Some breastfeeding mother can fast , and some cant.

    We here in YA don't know ur health condition , but in General u r excused from fasting.

    Any way plz check up with a doctor to see if its possible or not.

    And remmember Islam only wants what is BEST for u.

    Salam/peace :)

  5. Those who must fast:

    All mature and sane Muslims, male and female.

    Those who are exempted:

    The sick, the travelers, those too old to fast, women in child birth, women with periods, pregnant women whose heath is endangered, breast feeding women whose health is endangered.


    The Pregnant and the Breast Feeding Women:

    If a women is pregnant or breast feeds and she thinks she or her baby will suffer if she fasts, or she merely feels hardship in fasting, then she can break fast, but must make up the missed days. The Messenger of Allah (swt) said, "Allah takes away half of the salah from the traveler, the breast feeding women and the pregnant women ". (Abu Daud).

  6. You can try fasting every other day.  I know many women who have done that.  You just have to make sure you get enough water and eat healthy for suhoor and iftar.  If your days are really long, then maybe it's not a good idea to fast at all.  

  7. feed it

  8. I am a CMA

    You should not breast feed if you are going to fast as it changes the composition of the breast milk. If you seriously want to fast than I suggest that you formula feed your baby until fasting is over. Yes you can fast with the IUD and spotting

  9. The baby gets what you eat and DON'T STOP BREASTFEEDING!

    Your milk is much better than any formula. Why would you deprive your baby of the most essential nourishment she needs at the start of her life?

  10. Yes, you can fast but it is better not to fast because the baby needs nutrition from the milk.

  11. I think Yahoo answers isn't the best place to ask this question.  I would try to get in touch with scholars and pediatricians to formulate a plan.  Then you can know that what you are doing is best for you both, Insha'Allah.  And I will have to research more myself before giving an "Islamic" answer to this question.  Allah knows best!

  12. No.  That baby needs the nutrition.  Fast after you stop breast feeding.  God isn't going to replace the food that you skip for that baby.  

  13. Assalamu Alaikum, My Sister in Islam,

    You can postpone fasting for feeding your baby.  Allah doesn't make our life harder.  You can fast  later after you stop breast feeding your baby.  Allah knows your difficulty  and shall  bless you with the same reward as you would get if you fast during the month  of Ramadhan.

    Most scholars of Islam will give you the same answer that I have given you.  Feeding and taking care of a baby is much more rewarding than fasting in the eyes of Allah Subhana Taalah.  

    You can also send money for poor people equal to the cost of two meals for one person for each day you miss the fasting,  Estimate the cost of two means per day in the country where you wish to send money and multiply it by the number of days. Then send the total amount to some reliable relative or friend  in your country.  

    May Allah bless you for the caring of your baby and give you

    immeasureable reward to you for what you are doing. Allah will bless you more Fasting months in your life.  

  14. My suggestion is; have a good breakfast, fast for lunch, and definitely have some dinner. Even during the lunch fast, you must take water, or you may give the baby wind gripes.

    The scriptural purpose of fasting is to intensify your seeking of God. Causing a young baby to go hungry doesn't seem to be in synch with the nature of God. Of course you can use alternate infant preparations, but it is possible to discover at the end of the fasting month that your baby is no longer interested in the breast!

  15. out of all the recommendations to not fast and feed your baby.. YES I agree.. I was breastfeeding during Ramadan twice.. both my children were born in Ramadan...  The doctor and seems every nurse on the ward was advising me to eat and feed that baby.. They explained that when you fast, the baby fasts too.. You dont realize that you are the sole nourishment to that baby,, so if you fast, its fasting.. Does Allah allow a 3month old to fast? HEAVENS NO.. so you need to keep up that intake of calories to support good strong breast milk. Also when you fast.. your body releases built up toxins in the blood.. its sort of goes into cleansing mode.. some of those toxins will go to the babys milk.. you dont want to throw the chemicals off in your breast supply.. by all means, dont fast..

    Allah never puts on us more than we can bear.. Islam isnt a forceably so strict a religion that we suffer to be compliant... He is ever merciful.. and when we are ill, sick, traveling, nursing, pregnant, on our monthly periods. etc.. we do not have to fast... Old people and young kids dont have to either.. Its a mercy to you and your baby... Dont worry.. enjoy that baby, this is your bonding time.. feed it well.. and you can always make up the fast later.. or give in charity this year in leu of fasting..

    Allah bless you and your family ^_^  

  16. I don't know if it will effect how much milk you produce; probably not. It will effect the quality of the milk though.

    As a general rule if you can't do something while pregnant you cannot do it while lactating.

    Your baby must come first so one more year won't hurt and you can do it next year when it won't effect your little one :)

  17. Dear sister in Islam,

    As regards a suckling mother or a pregnant woman, if she is worried lest fasting should harm her, the majority of jurists are of the view that she is allowed not to fast.

    In his answer to the question posed, Dr. Muhammad M. Abu Laylah, professor of Islamic studies and head of the English Department, faculty of languages and translation at Al-Azhar University, states:

    “Dear sister in Islam, if there is any harm to your baby if you stop breast-feeding him during the daytime or during the fasting hours, then you are allowed to break your fast and make up for what you miss of fast days whenever your circumstances allow.

    This rule is based on the fact that Islam cares about the health of the children as well as protecting them against any harm or disease.

    Bear in mind that you should translate the moral lessons of fasting into practice. Try to serve the fasting people and share the religious activities of Ramadan with them.

    Our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said in a hadith reported by Salman Al-Farisi: "If any one provides a fasting person with an Iftar meal, Allah will forgive his sins, and save him from h**l-fire (in the Hereafter), and he will have a reward equal to the fasting person without reducing the reward deserved for him." Some Companions said: “Not all of us can afford to give an Iftar to a fasting person. The Prophet, then remarked: "Indeed, Allah gives such great reward to any one who provides Iftar to a fasting person even if it is a date, a sip of water, or a jar of milk…”

  18. YES. You should fast, even if your baby is dying!

    How dare you ask such quetions?

    And you also have the guts to say that you dint fast on last ramadan? You just broke one the five pillars, which means that now you are a murtad, and deserve death!


    Do you dare question this?  Everybody knows how totally real allah is and how it really angers him when people EAT.  And what better way to show your love than to STARVE.  I mean, if someone came up and told me that they didn't eat for me, i'd be so flattered.

  20. Assalamu Alaikum,

    make it up after Ramadan sister, and as long as you have the intention to fast Ramadan, Allah (swt) will reward you as if you fast, no worry inshAllah.

  21. This is a good question that you should ask your Doctor. But I don't recommend it because babies that are breast feed are healthier babies. And it's that a little more important?

  22. As Salaam to you all,

    The menstruating and breast feeding women are excused fasting due to the requirements of both the woman and her child. They have the opportunity to make up the lost days later, or to pay and feed the hungry.

    Medical conditions of the body take preference over fasting, in that should the body become ill during fasting, then medication should be taken. One would not expect a person under medication for a life threatening condition not to take their medication and die, likewise a woman breastfeeding a baby may through the lack of food cause her baby to become un-nourished and die.

    The intention of fasting has its own rewards as doe's the actual act of fasting. Allah (SWT) is most forgiving and knows all actions and it is to Him that our actions should be placed.

    Wa Salaam.

  23. According to a fatwa :those who are pregnant or breastfeeding are able not to fast during Ramadan if the fasting had bad effects on their health then they have to make it up , but about the fetus or the child it is allowed not to fast but the scholars have different opinions about they should make it up after Ramadan or if they have to feed a poor person for each day or if they have to do both.

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