
What should i do i love him but my parents say no?

by  |  earlier

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i love this boy but my parents made me break up wit him

what should i do?




  1. It's not up to your parents, just do what makes YOU happy

  2. it depends, how old are you? if you are younger than 18 then your parents can make you do whatever they please. sad but true. i swear parents have no reason of being here besides bringing you here and s******g up the rest of your life. you need to talk to them about it though. yahoo answers is not going to answer your question better than they can. you need to find out (if you don't already know) why you cant be with him. even though parents may make things suck (as must as i hate to admit it) they know what they are talking about for the most part. they have experience and if they don't like him then the must have a good reason. if they don't have a good reason s***w them. rebel and go out with him as much as you want. just do it behind their back so you don't get in too much trouble. good luck!!! hope i have helped in some way!

  3. Nothing. Until you are 18, they can tell you what to do. Sorry.  

  4. prove to them you could balance

    your studies...

    your family...

    your friends...

    and everything...

    with your boyfriend.!

    anyway, you could make them meet your boyfriend, and tell them he's a good guy..

    and make a compromise...

    if they still don't agree.

    it's up to you whether you'll follow your parents or choose to have your boyfriend.

  5. dont listen to them, its your choice, not theirs

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