
What should i do i need a hobby

by Guest60016  |  earlier

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Ok im 16 and have nothing to look forward to.I cant find anything im good at.Iv tired acting,dancing,soccer and drawing i sucked at all off it..i want to get good at something and have something to work for...but i dont know what or where to start




  1. juss be ur self..!

    do things dat u can do0..^^

  2. Try joining cross country. Seriously, there are plenty of people who join each year who cannot run very well. Once you begin training, you'll see major improvements fast! Don't be discouraged, really consider this.

    Also, try getting good at random silly things. Like become ambidextrous. Or stretching every day and being really flexible. Be creative.

    And how about cooking and baking? Food is AWESOME, who doesn't love food? Baking and cooking is even better. Time consuming, fun...and rewarding. :P

  3. Cooking is really fun! Go to youtube and search for good eats then type in what you want to cook! It is a awsome food show.  

  4. try helping some one that needs you, and that will make you feel better. betty.

  5. Try some crafts for example! You can get even some tuition to get started and there is no need for any kind of competition in that hobby field.

  6. Do you enjoy music? Playing music?

    Working out and going to a gym?

    Helping out needy or disabled?



  7. OK get a pair of flip flops from the dollar store, get some ribbon in different colors and width cut 6" strips and tie it to the straps of the flip flops.  You can also tie the ribbon onto  ponytail rubberband. for the ponytail cut the ribbon 9" long.  These are both popular here in California.

    Hope that helps.  You can also use Yarn and do a basic crochet stitch and crochet on the straps of the flip flops.  

  8. You could work on your education.

    Seems like it'd do you a lot of good.

  9. Why not try quilting?  It is a great hobby, I've been doing it for years.  Check out for more information.

  10. how about trying prestamped, prequilted, cross stitch baby or lap quilts

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