
What should i do?? i really need help on this!!PLEASE HELP!?

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ok so here's the situation. i am 23 years old, two jobs, a new apartment i just moved into. i'm about to graduate with my bachelors in december. i was in a relationship with a guy but he got married (long story). the whole thing is, i think im like 5 weeks pregnant. im not sure but getting a blood test today. i know that if i'm pregnant he will take care of his responsibilities with our baby, but my mom and sister really do not want me to keep it AT ALL if i am.they both think its a horrible situation to be in and my mom told me she wont help me anymore if i decide to keep it. i'm still in love with him, and i REALLY dont wanna get an abortion. all my friends have kids and i know it will be really hard to be a single parent, but i kind of WANT to be pregnant. i need some advice from someone PLEASE.

No ignorant answers PLEASE




  1. Who cares what your family, friends and whatever else thinks.  Look inside your heart and go from that.  Do you truly want the baby or not?  Not just because you want to be pregnant.  Do you truly want to be a mother?  The responsibility?  If not but you cannot bring yourself to an abortion there is adoption.  You can have an open adoption where you could see the child and watch him or her grow up but no responsibility.  

  2. don't have the baby, it's a lot of sacrifice that i don't think you can handle....yes, you will ahve to live with the fact that you have an abortion, but sometimes its the benefit of the child, you wanna be able to enjoy and provide without struggling for the child. Think about that, i am sorry. With that said, i think you'll do what you feel no matter what, that's okay, things happen for a reason and whatever your choice is will change things, so think hard...

  3. There are so many 'ifs'.First you are not sure that you are pregnant.So it is all conjectures or castles in the air situation.A blood test for pregnancy?A simple urine test is all that is required and you can do it yourself with readymade kits avaiable at all chemists shop.

    You can decide thereafter.

  4. yes

  5. Wow... that is quite the situation. If you do find out that you're pregnant, you really should tell the father, it's his right to know even if he is married. Your sister and mother have nothing to do with the situation, and have no right to tell you what you should or shouldn't do, if you want to keep your baby, then keep it! Of course it's going to be hard being a single parent, but there are so many other women out there raising there children alone and doing just fine. Your mom is probably just upset, since no parent wants to see their children struggle, but I'm sure she just won't abandon you if you really need her.    It sounds like you know what you want, so why don't you just go with what you feel is right and don't let anyone else convince you otherwise. Good Luck Sweetie!

  6. You're obviously missing something in your life if you want to be a young single mother.  Do you not feel loved?  I think you should talk to someone about this because it's not normal.

  7. Have the kid and your life will be shot to h**l. We're all entitled to at least one major mistake in our lives and this is correctable. Probably have all the anti-abortionist screaming for my head on this one but get the abortion.

    Kids aren't like puppies. You can't leave 'em unattended while you attend classes, work or do anything else.

    Don't be a fool lady. You're entirely too young to have this happen just yet. And by the way...what's a supposedly educated woman doing having s*x and not taking precautions (or at least demanding he do so) to avoid pregnancy.

    Not very smart OR responsible.

  8. If you get an abortion and really don't want it, you will live with that for the rest of your life--and that's going to be a lot of years, if you are 23 now. Your mom is pissed now, but she will probably change her mind once the child is born and she never gets to see it. You can't worry about that though, because this decision will be one that affects you for life... NOT her and NOT your sister.

    If you feel you can work it out financially with this guy (make sure you get a lawyer) then do what you feel you need to do to preserve your own sanity, not for your sister or mom...

  9. The thing of it is...there are so many types of families out there. While this is not what people often consider "ideal" that doesn't mean it can't work and you, your baby, and your ex can't be happy. I WOULD say not to go into it thinking that you being pregnant will make him want YOU. As much as this baby is loved it sounds that the relationship that the baby came from is gone and probably needs to stay that way. You, as a single parent, would provide more stability for this little life than you trying to stay with a man who may or may not have the same ideas in mind as you. Love this baby if you want to keep it. It is your decision and yours alone.  

  10. wow. this is a hard one. if i were you i would first take a blood test. just to be 100% before freaking out. if you are not, then i would suggest you to move on, like your ex has. if your are then this is when the trouble starts. okay you are 23 years old, your independent you have 2 jobs and that's really good. So why do you have to listen to your mom? like i know she is your mom and you have to respect her but dude your 23! and you have your own life with your own decisions that's part of being an adult. If i were you i would sit down with your mother and the baby daddy all 3 and discuss a compromise. maybe she is just upset that you are young and already having a child. And the baby daddy, i would tell him ASAP when you find out about the results. before its TOO late. ANd plus she is your mother! all moms will say that they will disown you and not love you and not take care of you blah blah blah. but it just because they are mad and upset at the moment. trust me she will always be there for you. it may sound super crazy right now but later you will get where i am at. and about the abortion DO NOT DO IT! i know so many people that REGRET having an abortion. you never know what that kid may be in the future, you never know if that kid can be someone important a star a basketball player etc. everyone deserves to live. yes i've been in the position when i thought i was pregnant, and i thought wow i cant have a baby but i thought it through. i wish you the best through this situation, if you need anything you can email me at take care. and pray. praying really works. have faith in jehovah god and he will help you through this. i know he will.

  11. i was 19, we were both in college and she wanted the abortion, i made a settlement with her to take care of the baby on my own so she can resume her budding modelling-career.

    i'm an architect now, raised our kids on my own throughout college.

    i never regret any of the hardship and pains i've been through.. it is heaven to see the smile on my children's lips as we snuggle to sleep. they only see their mother now in magazines.. they knew our story and they love her so much til now.

  12. Its okay to want to be a parent but is now the right time?? As well part of being a good parent is doing what is best for your child. So if you can not fathom having an abortion maybe adoption is the answer. I know a couple of girls who have given up their children for adoption because they knew that they could not take care of them properly and they do not feel bad about it. They have also gone on to get married and have more beautiful children. If you can sincerely do the right thing for this child and yourself then you have nothing to worry about and nothing to feel bad about.

    Good Luck

  13. try not to freak out prematurely... find out for sure if you are pregnant and then talk to him. Your family need to learn to respect that it is your life and your decisions, and they should not be pressuring you into giving up your child. Being a single mom, yes, it is hard. But just because things are difficult or complicated, does not mean they are not the right way to go.

    If you are pregnant, and you do want this baby, then congratulations. And I hope this man really does take care of his responsibilities as father. As for your mom and sister, tell them they need to either be supportive or jump ship. You do not need to take their c**p.  

  14. Time to grow up.

    You are an adult, make the decision you can live with.  You don't want an abortion, don't get an abortion.  Look at adoption options.  So what if your Mom says she won't continue to help you.  She will eventually respect you more for making the best decisions for your life and at the same time not destroying another life.  If you decide to keep the child, you will find ways to provide and give the child what is needed.  There are too many ways for single moms to make it in today's world for you to take the cowardly way out and get the abortion.

    Good luck.

  15. Keep the baby. Every thing happens for a reason. Things will get better. Yes might be hard but a life is preciouse. My mom had me at 17 single mother, and we did well. Now she has her own bisness. Fallow your heart and do NOT let anyone influence your decison.

    xox good luck

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