
What should i do i think i have depression ?

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i'm a 15 years old and i think i have depression. i havea a lot of family parents have been divorced since i was 3 and i 'ev been back and forth between house since last i live with my dad and my mom moved to north carolina with my 3 half sisters and her husband. now i'm still here in new york with my dad and his family. i lost most of the friends that i had and i can't stand my school.i used to cut.. and i think i have an eating diorder.i don't feel like i can talk to anybody because my family is traditional old school italians that want any type of problem kept in the family. but i just can't take feeking this way all the time. when i'm alone my mind wonders and i start thinking about things and i just cry. i'm un happy with everything it seems .i'm anxious as well which makes me sick literally.i've been to the doctor for indegesstion and my constent uspset stomach. but all they say is that it's stress. i try really hard to think positive and not think about everything that makes me upset but i can't help it anymore i just feel like everything is getting worse i no have gained weight.which is liek thsi huge deal in my family ever since i was little it was the stupid bowl **** of what your eating hwo much wehn and where . it's like back the **** off. i'm 15 i can get myself food. anyway i just don't know what to do i feel like ever time i go to talk to someone about anything not even this that they aren't listening. and how a i supposed to tell someone about this when i can't even get their attention for a simple story?.. any advice ? thanks :)




  1.  Hello Vern,

    Well, the first thing you should know is that my name is Vern Fettke as well, there cant be too many of us around!!!! That's probably where the similarities end,except for the fact that we are both male.  I was born in 1959, so that makes me a grumpy old man.  On a positive note I have also had those feelings of hoplessness, but, things do change and begin to improve, but it's up to you to take control.  I imagine you are a deep thinking considered young man who has the smarts to make things happen.  Think about your passion, work on it and it will become your purpose.

    Keep posting your thoughts, I'll keep an eye out for you.

    Best Wishes,

    Vern Fettke (AKA Grumpy  old Man)

  2. You need to talk to someone out side the family...!!!I would join a gym or start walking running exercising to get all that bull **** out of your some music that is up lifting even sad if it makes you feel good..really exercise is so important when going through mental anxiety.....join something that is therapeutic...look for a councillor...go outside the family..i am a good parent but my daughter need someone who was objective and it helps her  it helps us good luck

  3. i think i have the same problem. my parents arent exactly divroced but they dont live together. i've lived wit my mom for 2 years now and she just moved to Georgia, which is 2800 miles away from where i am. and my dad flew from where he used to live which is 300 miles away and now is living wit me.

    as for your depression, my advice is to just dont lose that hope. you are 15 right? lifes long. i think i've started to be depressed when i was 15. im 16 now and things arent much better. but atleast its not getting worse. what i did was download some music, i started playing Soccer, i've always played basketball, and i started joggying daily. be occupied. dont give up. there always will b a tommorow. and you wil make friends who will be there for you if u dont already have one. i've moved like 10 times in my life and it sucked. but i never gave up. you need to not give up hope.

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