
What should i do i went away for a weekend to my fiancee parents?

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and while we were there i noticed photos of a

boy..i didn't say anything in case there was some family tragedy as she always told me she was an only child of course it could have been a freind etc but there were a lot of them...that night when we went to bed i asked her ..she looked at me and said honey that was me

i had an operation to be with you ..i always loved you remeber your best friend bruce who disapeared well he didn't ..i was shocked i ran out the door and even vommited i have moved since to hide from her ,he or it ..the sad thing is i thought i loved what ever it is ..and i really missed bruce




  1. lmfao good one omg funny.

  2. Give us a break and burn your joke book!

  3. First of all, Mr. Conan, you have some big muscles.  You look very strong.  but, it is okay to be weak.  I would have myself a really good cry.  Then I would go back to your fiance and say that you love her, and tell her that you also love Bruce, and ask her to make up with you.  Then, I would also tell the parents that you love them for all the support they gave Bruce, and hope you can be a good husband.  

  4. its so hard when the

    one you thought you

    truly loved lets you down

    sorry that's a bummer about bruce

    my deepest sympathyt to you (NOT)


    lol loved it

    x x x

  5. lol, You have to have made this up. hehe very funny!

    ...No is a joke right?

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