
What should i do if a strange guy keeps staring at me ?

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The other day i told my friend that

i was going to be taking the Union Train station in

L.A. , and she told me to be really really careful

about the people there, especially.

She told me one day she was taking the bus

to the mall, and she noticed a man starring at her.

like, an intense gaze and he wouldn't take his

eyes off her. Right when she stood up to get off,

he did as well. He followed her at a close distance

until she got inside the mall and then left.

anyways, that REALLY freaked me out.

And i was just wondering what's the best thing to do in that

kind of situation ? Like, if you catch a weirdo staring you





  1. Be aware of your surroundings. Move toward a group of people. Look for a police officer. If they are following you, go into a store or restaurant or business and tell anyone that a man is following you and you are afraid. call the police.

    It probably wouldn't be a good idea to make a lot of eye contact with the person either. It would just encourage him.

  2. If you have a wiredo staring at you the best thing you can do is simply ignore them.  

  3. stare back

  4. well

    i would say pepper spray

    but my sister gought arested for using it on someone

  5. First off always stay in a crowded area, never walk into a parking lot, garage or down a street where there aren't a lot of people.  Stay in view of as many people as possible.  If you really feel threatened, go to a security guard in a mall, or if you are outside, go into a police or fire station.  

    I would not confront him because you never know what might set him off.  Just try to ignore him and make him think that you don't notice him but all the while stay alert.  You may want to carry some pepper spray -- here is a website -- it's worth the purchase.  Stay safe and good luck

  6. An old man at the beach was following me around, cause I was in my bra, and he started hitting on me, asking me what I like to do for fun.

    I told him I like to stab people.

    He left.

  7. pepper spray :P

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