
What should i do if i have a girlfriend and she is confused about christianity?

by  |  earlier

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i believe it but am not a christian for now and she believes it but has not been in church for a long time and has never read even small parts of the Bible...she accepts it from wat her parents taught her and her mom is the same way and idk whether she's a christian or not she claims to be but doesnt follow a few of the specifically stated rules in the Bible so i dont kno but her spiritual life isnt for me to girlfriend and i are planning on getting married in a few years and i want to make sure she is who God planned for me to have ...i believe she is but the Bible says not to be in close relationships with unbelievers...if i become a christian i kno she'll try to act like one for me but thats not enough she would only be doing it because she loves can i get her to understand the basic rules of christianity and how important they are and how important




  1. Oh, FFS, I only read half of this before I gave up.

    You're young. Get laid, be careful about it, but have fun.

    Don't worry about some invisible being who probably doesn't exist.

  2. If you love her why do you have to force your beliefs on her? Esp since you arent even a christian anyway...?????

  3. ok , now she believe on it but i dont know what her religion?

    and now what is your religion ,

    anyway ,

    i know you feel like you are stuck between two ,

    but which one is better to you?! ,

    we all have destiny , and if she will be to you that is your destiny


    if you dont want her to go to h**l ,

    you could explain it to her

    and if she loves you she will understand you ,

    and if she didnt understanding it at first , just be patient ,

    when you marry her

    just explain it by being so quiet ,

    and as i guess you will be having enough time! ,

    and let it on God ,

    God help you .


    about all the sins that we and you have done ,

    all humans do mistakes ,

    no one doesnt do it ,

    but we ask God to give as his forgiveness ,

    and we should learn from our mistakes

    God bless all of you

    and thanks

  4. it sounds like you should be worried about other things right now besides marriage. such as, graduating from high school

  5. Sorry, what's the question? You're not Christian not but you're afraid if you do become Christian, your girlfriend will try to support you?

    I fail to see the problem at this point.

    EDIT: If you believe in Christian beliefs, that makes you Christian hun. Your girlfriend will not go to h**l because you failed to explain things properly. What kind of god would put that kind of pressure on you? I believe Christians would tell you that you are not responsible for anyone else's salvation, but the point is moot because there is no h**l.

  6. What does it mean to believe in the beliefs of Christianity, but not be a Christian?? maybe you need to sort out what you believe, before you have a crack at your girlfriend.

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