
What should i do if i like this guy but he had a girlfriend ?

by  |  earlier

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I recently went on holiday with this other family and i met a nice boy! we were always together i knew he had a girlfriend but i just thought we could be friends. The people we were on holiday with said he liked me and when he went home i really missed him .I just thought what the h**l? tell him how you feel so i did and he said he liked me too ! But he has stayed with his girlfriend . But i have been back from holiday for 2 weeks and he has text me everyday and he is always so nice !

But i dunno if he thinks we are friends or if he likes me ??

We are meeting up in 3 weeks i dunno how to act around him ?

Please help because i am soooooo confused





  1. how would you feel if someone tried to take your boyfriend? just wait for him if you realy like him you will. and maybe he will break up with his girlfriend in three weeks be optomistic.

  2. Well, as long as a person is not married, he or she has the right to choose.

    However, you never want to be a two-timer. What you need to think is that whether you can withstand criticisms as people will call you a third-party, and what's more important is that he is not two-timing both you and his girlfriend.

    A two-timer can never be trusted.

  3. ask about his girlfriend.

  4. practicing to be a homewrecker?

  5. Ok well imagine yourself as his girlfriend. How would YOU feel about your boyfriend liking someone else? I know I wouldn't want it that way. Tell him you can only be friends as long as he's taken, and if he breaks up with his girlfriend go for it.

    If not, friends or no friends, but nothing more.

  6. It's bad karma for you to deal with someone else's man. How would you feel if you were with him, and someone was trying to steal him away from you? Just wait your turn. There is always more fish in the sea. Or if he truly likes you, he'll make up his mind about he wants to do. Don't force him to leave her, but you should never deal with someone romantically if they are already attached. That's not fair to you, either. Why would you want to share? Don't you think you deserve better?

  7. Well if he's staying with his girl, you already know what it is. He wants you for a fling. How would you like it if you had a boyfriend and a girl was texting him everyday?

  8. Wow, cheating with man on his girlfriend is a low quality for a person.

    But it doesn't supprise me that such people would go to such low levels when they are desprate.

    Try to think out side the box. Let's say he hooks up with you and you become his "new" girlfriend. What do you think will stop him from cheating on you in the future? I mean if he is willing to cheat on his current GF by having a realationship with you then don't you think he would do it again if someone else came along?

  9. I believe once someone isn't married, it's all fair play! Tell him how you feel about him and let him decide.You  just never know how things may play out!

  10. uhhhhhhh he obvioulsy likes u cuz thats wut u sed but he doesnt like u more than his girlfriend cuz he wouldve dumped her. dnt make any u know not smart moves cuz u could lose his friendship

  11. ok i've been in this situation and if he tells you that he likes you


    something is wrong here.he's a player.


  12. Try to find someone else that you might like or be interested in.

  13. well he does have a girlfriend and there is a reason why he's staying with her. do you really wanna be the girl that he's sneaking to see or the one that he wants the world to know he likes to be with. if he breaks up with his girl then great but if not then just be friends.i wouldn't want to be second best.that's not fun.

  14. Just ask him how he feels about his girlfriend. If he says he still really likes her, back off! But if he says not really, ask why hes still with her then.

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