
What should i do if i think im pregnant? im 15. my boy friend is 17?

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my parents might put hm in jail and they wouldnt let me have the baby?????? help??




  1. Take a deep breath.

    Take a pg test and find out for sure.  Sometimes its too soon to tell.

    Then you have options.  and NO they won't put your bf in jail.   They can NOT force you to have an abortion.  They also can NOT force you to put your baby up for adoption.   They can however say that they refuse to take care of the baby, in which case you have to decide if you can make it on your own w/a baby, IF they won't let you live there any longer if you want to have your baby.    If you are pg, give your parents some time to adjust, and I bet they will be supportive of you .

    There are alot of places to help girls like you, google it and see what you can find in your area.    

    Even if the circumstances aren't ideal, Babies are Always a blessing!  

    I wish you all the luck in the world =0) And know you are not alone!

  2. well lets think ahead oh say nine months do think it would be easy to tell them when ur pushing or now while you all can talk about it and make plans. your 15 u need to Tell your parents NOW

  3. I agree with everyone else. I also want to put it out there.. that you should  begin now thinking about the consequence of your actions. Because if you are pregnant it will be the start of needing to think about everything and how it will effect your baby not just you.

    I think if you take a test and it comes out positive, that you really have one big question to ask yourself. If* your parents would not help you (HIGHLY UNLIKELY AT YOUR AGE) would you be able to care for the child with state help of course? Like possible drop out of school and get a full time job? If you think you can do it with or without your parents then i would if i were you. but no one can make that choice for you. not even your parents and just so you know they're saying that to scare you out of it or out of the idea. MOST parents do come around especially if you have one of them come to the appointments with you and involve then. they will fall inlove with your baby just as much as you will.

    And one thing i read above.. it said abortion rarely* has long term emotional effects ..well i don't agree i know many people that can't have kids after they had one. or people who had one and have had serious long term emotional problems over their abortions and i am one of them. just keep that in mind.

    Pretty much if* you are pregnant--whether you miscarry, abort, adopt or raise the baby yourself--your life will* change forever. And this is why its so important to be older when you start having s*x so you have more of this knowledge. Just remember you live and you learn. And our experience make us who we are. Good luck!! And don't let anyone push* you to do anything you don't want to because you will be the one to live with it!!

  4. They can't put him in jail

    They can't stop you from having the baby.

  5. He cant go to jail hes a minor a well, best find out if you are, then tell your parents ASAP

    You play with fire your going to get burned...time to grow up!

  6. first, make sure you are pregnant...

    then talk to your parents what you want to do :)

    and dont let get pregnant by a 17 guy.

    take care pplease


    That link is statutory rape laws by state. The first thing to do is find out what the law is in your state to see if your boyfriend even broke the law.

    Also understand that *you* have to consent to an abortion. You cannot be legally forced to have one.

    The second step is to take a home pregnancy test, which is available for eight dollars at the 7-11.

    Next, if the test is positive, talk to a trusted teacher, relative or other mentor. They will be able to direct you to resources in your area for pregnant teens.

  8. you definitely need your parents support, tell them as soon as possible

  9. They can't put him in jail, he's 17.

    Though you really shouldn't be having s*x at fifteen, I'll stay out of it.

    This is completely your call though girl, no one can tell you what to do here... it's something you need to figure out yourself.

  10. They can't force you to abort. Refuse to show up. They'll make it h**l for you though.

    I don't know where you are from, but CA they can't put him in jail. He's a minor just like you.

    It's anger that they are saying all that. Most of it is just c**p. They'll come around. Good Luck! xx

  11. 1st:  You should be sorry that you had unprotected s*x

    2nd  You should feel sad that you were willing to give up the fun years of your life

    3rd   You should feel bad that you are letting your parents down

    You are both juveniles, children.  Talk to your parents and let them guide you thru this.  And hopefully you are not pregnant and will learn from this.

    Slow down have your whole life ahead of you.  HUGS!!

  12. in this day and age - have you ever heard of birth control???  you are both underage - no jail but you do have to face the music.  good luck.

  13. Well, thats your fault for getting pregnant by a 17 year old. Your parents have the right to react however they see fit, you live under their roof.

  14. If you really really don't think your parents will understand, think long and hard about someone who will. Second, MAKE SURE you are pregnent before you move forward with telling anyone. Chances are your not, so take a deep breath.

    I think he would have to be over 18 for your parents to put him in Jail, but that might depend on the state you are in.

    But honey, if you are 15 and you are even "THINKING" that you are pregnant, you need to SLOW DOWN!  


    Thinking you might be pregnant can be confusing and scary. You may be wondering what your options are and how to decide what to do. It's a big decision that deserves a lot of thought.

    Take the Test

    But first things first: Taking a pregnancy test is the only way you can know for sure if you're pregnant. You can take a home pregnancy test purchased at a drugstore, or you can get tested at a health center.

    Home pregnancy tests usually cost about $8-$15. They are very accurate when used correctly, but it's important to closely follow the directions in the package in order to get an accurate result. Many women who take home pregnancy tests that turn out positive go to health centers to have the results confirmed.

    If It's Positive ...

    If your test is positive, a clinician will need to perform a pelvic exam to feel the size of your uterus. This is to estimate how long you have been pregnant.

    You have three choices if you are pregnant. You can choose to have a baby and raise the child. You can choose to have a baby and place the child for adoption. Or you can choose to have an abortion and end the pregnancy.

    Option One: Raising a Child

    Being a parent can be a wonderful experience. It can help people grow and understand themselves better. A child can bring joy into people's lives.

    However, being a teen parent is often very difficult. Raising a child involves major commitments in time and money. Teens often have to put school and career plans on hold in order to raise a child. Spending time with a child takes priority over going out with friends and having fun. The children of teen parents may have a harder time growing up than children who are raised by adults. Raising a child without a partner can be even more of a challenge.

    Option Two: Placing a Child for Adoption

    Some women choose to have a baby and place their child up for adoption. Many women who make this choice are happy knowing that their children are loved and living in good homes. And some feel empowered in their role as birth mother. But some women find that the sense of loss is deeper and longer-lasting than they expected.

    Adoption laws are different in every state. Find out in advance what they are in your state. You will also need to find out what rights a birth father has in your state. You may need his consent in order to plan an adoption.

    Option Three: Having an Abortion

    Abortion is a legal and safe procedure. Most women say that early abortion feels like menstrual cramps. Some say it feels very uncomfortable. Others feel very little physical discomfort.

    Serious, long-term emotional problems after abortion are rare. Most women feel relieved. Some women experience anger, regret, guilt, or sadness for a short time. Women are more likely to experience serious regrets after abortion if they have strong religious feelings against it.

    Many teenagers want to consult their parents before an abortion. But telling a parent is not required in all states. Check out this chart to find out what the laws are in your state.

    How Do I Decide?

    Here are some questions you can ask yourself that may help you decide:

    Which choice(s) could I live with?

    Which choice(s) would be impossible for me?

    How would each choice affect my everyday life?

    What would each choice mean to the people closest to me?

    What is going on in my life?

    What are my plans for the future?

    What are my spiritual and moral beliefs?

    What do I believe is best for me in the long run?

    What can I afford?

    Many women find that talking to someone about their feelings is helpful. You could talk to a family member, partner, friend, school counselor, religious advisor, or other trusted adult. Choose someone you trust, who will listen to you, be supportive, respect your privacy, and not try to pressure you into choosing a particular option.

    When Do I Need to Make the Decision?

    If you think you might continue the pregnancy, talk to a clinician about prenatal care as soon as possible, in order to make sure that you are healthy and the pregnancy is normal.

    If you are considering abortion, you should make a decision as soon as possible. Abortion is very safe, but the risks increase the longer a pregnancy goes on.

    While you are deciding what to do, take good care of yourself and get prenatal care. If you decide to continue the pregnancy, it's important to be healthy.

    To make an appointment with the Planned Parenthood center nearest you for pregnancy testing, prenatal care, other health services, or to discuss your pregnancy options, call toll-free 1-800-230-PLAN.

  16. First off...condoms do work. does birth control.  Third...both of them together, mind-blowing.

    Now that that's out of the way, you have to take a pregnancy test...duh.  If that's positive, get yourself checked out by your physician.  They cannot tell your parents anything, call them, anything of the nature (doctor-patient privilege is actually real).  It is your decision of what to do with the baby, and though I do not believe your parents can press charges against your boyfriend, the county you live in can depending on the legal age of consent (his actions could be construed as statutory rape).

    Good luck with whatever happens.  

  17. first of all they cant put him in jail... second of all it takes two to get pregnant... third u should find out for sure...go to the health department if u dont wanna tell ur parents yet, they do free prego tests...

    but in the end S**t happens...ur pretty young but ur not the first 15y/o to get pregnant, what u wanna do is up to u...just make sure u think it thru...... good luck...

    im 19 n prego, didnt plan on it n wished i woulda waited till i went to college, but my life isnt over...just changing

  18. I pray you are not pregnant !!! But if you are, there is not a person alive that can force you to an abortion or adoption and that is the law.

  19. Actually, yes they can press charges against him (depending on where you're from, im in Mass and anyone under the age of 18 and has s*x its considered statutory rape) even if he's a minor. as long as you are a minor, it's still considered statutory rape. Usually for most state the age cutoff for what is considered statutory rape is anything under 16 (the considered age for the offender varies by state, some its considered if you're 2 years older, some are different). At 17 he can technically be tried as an adult. But really, your parents would have to be pretty psycho to do this. And also, they can't force you to get an abortion, or take your child.

  20. If you think your pregnant, you should get a test before freaking out. Also you can have the baby if its your choice. No one can force you to give up or abort your own child. And your boy is only 17, hes done nothing wrong. If he was 18 (adult) he could be put in jail, but because he is also still a kid, they couldnt put him in jail for any reason.

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