
What should i do if i want to start selling my products?

by Guest33109  |  earlier

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What should i do if i want to start selling my products?




  1. Send me complimentary samples!


  2. marketing or u can say ads. that's it.

  3. not advertise on here

  4. Hello! Anybody home? More info, please......

  5. If you want to sell your product you have many options...

    Online Options:

    1. You can try selling it on

    2. You can try making a website for it & then advertise your website for that product. ( - cheap website hosting)

    Offline Options:

    1. You can approach a few shops & markets for your product.

    2. You can advertise in the newspapers & classifieds.

  6. Hi! That depends on what kind of products you wanted to start selling in order to determine which mode of selling is appropriate as not every kind of products can be sold online, especially the MLM ones as it is against the MLM laws & regulation. If you could share then I might be able to suggest because I used to run my own conventional businesses before & have been in the sales line for many years previously. Also, I am doing internet auctioning currently also. Would love to see what I could suggest. Email me at fi you would. Just a suggestion....

  7. first of all, what are you selling?

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