
What should i do if my Girlfriend is not yet divorced?

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I have a girlfriend and we've been together for more than a year. I just learned some time ago that she's not yet divorced (she was married for a year, though i didn't know about it until a few months ago, and they had a son) and says that the case is already in the court (so technically not yet divorced). What do you think i should do? I love her but i don't think that it's morally correct. Also, i am a Mormon and she is Catholic. I respect her but i fear for my actions. Please, i really need advice... Thanks and Godbless...




  1. i would not see her until her divorce is final.u don't know how this man feels, and could put the blame on u, and come after u. so be safe and wait until the divorce is final to be with her again.

  2. Sounds fishy to me.  she said "the case is already in the court"??  Does she have a lawyer is she collecting child support?  besides, if the divorce ball was rolling she would have said "the papers have been filed".  Not, its already in the court".

    I'd ask her more questions like where she got her papers from and what are the terms of her divorce and when will it be finalized.  

  3. keep banging her   she won't mind  

  4. I think you really need to talk to her about it.  If you truly love her you need to talk to her to see what she has to say about it. It could be she was just scared to tell u because u r religious. but u wont know until u ask.

    Real love is hard to find in this world filled with so much pain, dont always be so quick to throw it away!


  5. If she wasn't forthcoming with the information about her marriage, I'd be wondering what else she's holding back.  I take it that you've never met her son?  She probably has nothing to do with him?  She doesn't sound like someone I'd get any more involved with and I'd definitely reconsider any type of future with her.  You deserve better.

  6. I think you should speak to someone from your Church or a close friend who knows you, or both of you.  I dont think you are doing anything wrong, personally, but I do not know the teachings of your church.  

    I would also have an open and honest conversation with her, because it is not good that you are just finding out now that she is married.  That is a big secret to have kept and it is better to have things out in the open.  Talk to her.  Good luck. x

  7. Leave have been together a year...and just found out she is still married and has a son?  Has it occurred to you that she may be lying about other things as well?

  8. Find out where her husband lives and avoid that place like your life depends on it, trust me, it very well may, apart from that, enjoy as it will be short lived.

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