
What should i do if my classmate wants me?

by Guest56278  |  earlier

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what should i do if my classmate wants me to become his bf? i thing she crush me?




  1. I think you mean a classmate wants to date you but you are afraid of being hurt?  If you are going to ever find friendship or Love, you will always have to take that risk.  Step out of your comfort zone and start living.  xox

  2. talk to her and find out for sure. if you like her then ask her out on a date..  

  3. if you like her go out with her if not just tell her your not into it. or wait till she askes you then turn her down...geeze its not that hard and is it that bad to be liked??? seriously u act like its some sort of tragedy.  or u could just not talk to get the point

  4. thats the part when u go out with her....

  5. you should at least tell us if you like her...

  6. I hope he or she dosent crush u

  7. go out with her if you like her, duh

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