
What should i do if my parents want to take gardianship of my baby?

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i am 15 and i am 7 months a long and my parents want full gardeonship till im 18 and i dont trust that they would let the father see the baby, what should i do?




  1. They can't do that without your consent. Don't consent to it and they can't take your baby. Good luck!

  2. i don't believe they can do that unless you have some disability that won't allow you to take care of your baby...& of course unless you sign over your rights to them...

  3. You are probably way better off if you let your parents take guardianship until you finish school and are a little more stable. They cant just stop the baby's father from seeing him/her. He will have the right to visitation like any other dad. Also, you can sign over temporary gaurdianship and you still have all of your parental rights.

  4. Tell them no trust me on this one they prob, wont give your baby back and you have to sign over rights they just cant take your baby, even though you are only 15 years old its not their child, and they cant do anything unless you are doing bad in school, not taking care of the baby, not supporting the baby, or anything along those lines, its up to you but if you do make sure your parents sign something saying they will return custody for your child when you are 18

  5. They can't make you do that. Did they say what reason they want you to do that? They may have other motives for wanting you to do that. Then when you turn 18 they won't give it back.  

  6. They can't legally do that.  

  7. Contact your local government. They'll be able to let you know what the local laws are. Since no one here knows where you live, no one is likely to know exactly what you need to do. However, I think that the father would also have to sign over rights to allow full guardianship to your parents but I don't know for sure. Good luck!

  8. JUSt say no. how confusing for the baby to change parents when its 3 or 4 years old. Just say this is your responsibility and your going to take care of the baby with the father.  

  9. it really doesn't matter how old you are, I would just now consider myself an adult and have guardianship over my own child..because they may pull some stuff off to keep the baby saying that you were a young mom, and the best interest of the child would be with them. Or write a clause saying that you wanted to only do this until your 18...15 or 18 you could still do this without them friends sister was 13.

  10. it doesn't matter what they want you are the baby's mother. If you don't want this you DO NOT have to do it!    

  11. dont give them gardianship then. there is no reason why you cannot take care of this child i did with no babies daddy and i finished school and worked. there are schools were you can take your baby with you. plus gardianship does not take the fathers rights away.

  12. they cant take full guardianship.. if ur a good mother and have somewhere to stay and some type of help or income they cant do that .. good luck  

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