
What should i do if my tire has a blowout???

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my tire last week had a blow out when i was parked and im scared to death that it will happen when i am driving b/c the front tire feels like its going to. what should i do if it does blow out when im driving?? like what do i do so i wont crash or get into an accident?




  1. The best thing to do would be to replace any tires you suspect may be going bad. Even with the best response, a tire blowout is a very dangerous thing, especially on the highway or on a busy street.

  2. The first thing to do in this situation is to grip the steering wheel tightly—it will be vibrating quickly and may be hard to control. Stay in the lane and get control. Do not instinctually slam on the brakes. Instead, remove your foot from the gas and slow down gradually. If the front tire blows, the vehicle will swerve toward the side with the blowout. If a rear tire blows, the back of the vehicle will weave from side to side.

    As soon as you have control of the car and it is safe to do so, try to pull over in the right lane or take an exit. If a lane change is necessary, do so slowly and carefully, and use signals. It may be necessary to go into a ditch to avoid being rear ended or running into another car. Once all tires are off the pavement, brake harder until the car stops. Be sure to get out of traffic before the car stops. Turn on the hazard lights and put up flares or other warning signals to alert other drivers. If the car is a safe distance from traffic and you know how to change the tire, do so carefully.

    It is important in these situations that drivers do not put themselves in danger to avoid delay. It may be necessary to call professionals if traffic is too close. Finally, the car should be taken to a professional to ensure no other damage has occurred.

  3. Grasp the wheel firmly(not maniacally) with both hands, let off the gas, brake gently, and look for a safe place to stop the car. Better to ruin a wheel than get run over while you out the spare on.

  4. Well there is no reason you have to wait until your tire blows out is there. things seldom go wrong with your car in the driveway, it is usually at the worse place and time<

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