
What should i do if my watermelon and other plants are dying?

by  |  earlier

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I planted me a garden for the first year and some of the food is growing well. Some of the plants are getting big and blocking the sun for the watermelon, carrots, celery, and lettuce. What should i do because i see nothing growing in the spots where i planted the seeds. Please help me.




  1. You might want to start your garden journal now then. In it, you'll want to draw a diagram of where things were planted this year and what did not grow so you move their locations if possible for next year's garden. has a free downloadable journal that would be helpful for you to keep track of lots of detail about your garden:

    You might also check the planting table availalbe on the Farmer's Almanac site to see if there's still time in your area to replant some of the items that are not growing.

    *~ Good luck 'n happy gardening ~*

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