
What should i do if someone in my profession(nursing) behave unethically?

by  |  earlier

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help me please.




  1. Confront them.

  2. depends on what they did add what they did and then ill make a better answer

  3. The ethical answer would be report them to your supervisor. However, in most situations (this does depend on the severity of the offense) is to approach you co-worker first before moving up the ranks. Most people usually have a stronger bond between their co-workers than with their supervisors, and you do not want to violate their trust. Just talk to the offender and tell them the situation you put them in. If they continue to behave unethically or become confrontational, you should probably move up and report them to your supervisor. In a career such as nursing, I would believe that ethical treatment of people must be pretty high at the top of your priorities.

  4. Definetely take it up with the ethics board of the hospital or organization you work for and you should be able to take it to state and federal level if its serious enough. It's your duty to uphold your professional standards in your field and you should definetely address it.

  5. Unethically or illegally? In the nursing profession it is a fine line. If it is just a question of ethics, then bring it up to their superiors if they don't seem to see the error of their ways. If it is illegal, bring it up to their superiors and let them know you plan to file legally if they do not attend to the problem they have with their employee.

  6. it depends on what their doing is it violating patients? if their hurting someone then they should be reported

  7. report them because they can hurt someone

  8. Nurses are in the field of helping people. If patients could be affected by them in a negative way, someone should be told. Who knows it could be your mother, your sister....

  9. I was taught and believe that if you are witness to it and do not report it then you are just as guilty.

    Tough situation, though.

    Good luck!

  10. set them up. say something to your boss or something, and try and catch them in the act

  11. IDK. Check with him/her. If you like them, take them out to dinner. If you don't talk to them. However, stand clear because you must not lose ttrust of your teacher.


  13. I hate this question!!!

    Nurses are imperfect human beings,

    and do you know that all professionals

    behave unethically some times!!!

  14. \It does depend on what the offence is.  Is it a black or white offence, say stealing from a patient?  Or is a grey area, say something along the lines of gossip?  When you catch them doing the unethical thing, then you pull them aside, and say, "We need to discuss what I just saw you doing right now, with the nursing supervisor"  Depending on your boss, you might want to give them a heads up on the situation, your feelings, and how you are planning to bring them into the office as soon as you see what is going on.

  15. You are going to have to be more specific.

    In some practices, such as nursing, acting against the rules is actually more beneficial to the patients.

    If it is something along the lines of killing mostly healthy people then you need to report it to your higher ups.

    But without more information it is unlikely I could give you a good answer.

  16. It's hard to say because you didn't go into detail. What may be unethical to you may not be unethical. Do you mean patient abuse, neglect or violating patient rights? I'd report those actions to a superior without a second thought.

  17. Alright, I may be just a teen, but here's what I would do, and I know you've probably heard it before...

    First,  on the first offense, tell him/her that what he/she is doing is unethical.  Sometimes that's all it takes.

    I'm assuming it's already past that stage.  Next, I would approach the person and tell them that what they are doing is unethical, and that you are stuck in a tight spot, and that if they don't stop the action, that you will be forced to tell a superior.

    Next, if they don't give up the behavior, go to a superior in your office and report the behavior.  

    If, after a period of time, it seems that nothing has been done, and you believe that the offense is criminal, report it to the local police.

    Hope that helps!  Good luck with the coworker!

  18. YOU are pretty intelligent. Thus, you know that you should report it anonymously. Why? Folk can turn on each other in a minute. I want for you to be safe. Your conscience dictates that you are responsible for anything that deals with your profession (observations, etc.). YOU must report this immediately. What shall we then say to these things? If GOD be for us, WHO can be against us? - Romans 8:31. The Lord daily loadeth us with BENEFITS, even the GOD of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19  Peace!

  19. Report them.

  20. if its done purposely, I think you should report it to the regulating body

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