
What should i do if someone wants to fight me and he does rage cage fighting?

by  |  earlier

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im 13 nd a 15 yr old wants to fight me and he does rage cage fighting, but im to quite scared of walkin down streets

what should i do




  1. don't be afraid to fight dirty. a swift kick to the gonads takes almost any guy down.

  2. a 15 year old cage fighter who picks on 13 year olds clearly isn't very good and probably spends most of his classes being dominated by adults.

    Don't fight him, he's just another bully who wants attention. He should try picking on people his own size during classes if he's serious about fighting in the cage.

  3. learn to run fast, kiddo

  4. Yeah, you hire someone to do it for you

  5. Listen....I know this may sound stupid to you know...but trust me..I'm right....don't get involved in any fights...this is the matter of your need your body your whole life and if you injur it in a permanent way....You will never forgive yourself for getting involved in that fight...if you're scared that he'll come after you or whatever...then get an adult involved so they can resolve the matter peacefully....yea people may call you chicken etc...but in the long'll benefit you because you're not going to end up in some hospital DON'T GET INVOLVED IN ANY FIGHTS!!!! Be safe and happy!

  6. first of that guys all talk cuz to fight mma you got to be 18 so basically he is all talk an im 17 i train mma (bjj, grappling, boxing an some striking) if he still wants to fight you ill handle it for you

  7. go tell his instructor that his student is doing this and you don't want to fight him and your afraid to walk the streets....most instructors won't put up with that because they will get in trouble if there fighters are acting like that.  His instructor is against bullying I guarantee it

  8. then don't fight-if it can't be avoided get a hammer.

  9. The first amount of advice I would like to give is whenever possible, do not involve yourself in a fight. Even still, you should be proud that you realize the circumstances surrounding you, the fact that he is probably a better fighter and that he "may" have a size advantage. (IDK, I never seen the guy)

    But something else you should know is that one of your rights is to be able to feel safe. It is written in Canadian constitution and I am absolutely sure it is in the American one as well. The best thing you can do is to tell an adult about what is going on. Parents not helping? Seek another adult that you trust. If this guy is still bothering you or threatening you, the bully hot-lines and even kids help phone is always willing to lend a hand.

    Remember, there is always options other then fighting out there.

  10. dont fight

  11. hire a bully that is biger than him

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