
What should i do if there are a bunch of flies everywhere in my house!!!

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What should i do if there are a bunch of flies everywhere in my house!!!




  1. Open a window and try to get them out! or Kill them

  2. it depends,if you are a girl,you should kill them,if you are a boy you should just ignore them.

  3. keep a cleanliness in your house as flies breed in areas where there is a lot of garbage ,you should keep the drainsLeave your trash can lid closed at all times:

    This might sound really obvious, but if a fly has access to rotting food, most likely found in trash cans, then they have good feeding and breeding grounds. Don’t give flies access to your old food.

    Clean up your animal droppings:

    Once again, this might be obvious, but remember, it might not even be YOUR animal’s droppings. Does your neighbour’s cat soil your garden?

    Ensure you have no pooling of stagnant water anywhere:

    This is cause for a whole host of things, not just flies, but it’s good enough to try and prevent flies

    Make sure your drains are covered:

    There are such things as “drain flies“, so keeping your drains as clean as possible and covered will help prevent flies.

  4. Get a fly swatter and start killing them. I hate flies!

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