
What should i do? im only 15!?

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Im 15, just about to turn 16. And i have recently started to have s*x with my boyfriend ( we do use protection), and im worried that i could be pregenant. Im not late for my period yet but its hard to tell because i have a iregular period. I have looked at some signs of pregnacy and i have qiuet a few such as constant tiredness, matallic taste in my mouth and tender b*****s. Also today i felt as if i was going to be sick suddenly.

i have no idea on what to do, becuase i am so young, i have just finished school and im not ready for a baby, i was wondering when i should take a test? and weather it just sounds like im over reacting :(

please any advise would be helpful..

thanks x




  1. Kind of sound like your over reacting!! The more you stress your self you can cause you period to be late!! If your using protection you should be ok make sure the condom has spermicide( my teacher said it kills sperm or something)! and if you dont get you period this month dont panic!! Just go to the store and buy a tets!

  2. Take a test.. then decide where you want to take it from there..

  3. relaxxx  i first started having s*x with my boyfriend nearly a year ago and i was around your age aswel.  

    the first few times nearly everyone freaks out i don't even know why, i think it's cos like you know that there is a chance you could be pregnant now  even if it isn't likely at all.  just ignore all the people telling u u shouldn't be having s*x and that it's your choice.

    when me and my boyfriend had been having s*x for like a few weeks i thought i was pregnant even though we had always been careful. it got so stuck in my head that i started like having symptoms like you have been having, if you keep thinking to yourself  'i'm pregnant'  your body kind of makes up the symptoms.

    just relax  i very highly doubt you will need a test  just wait until ur period, and try to be calm  if you worry can delay your period.

    good luck xxxxxxxx

  4. Just how u said ur only 15 to be pregnant.. U should have said ur only 15 to have s*x!!! Wait alittle while and get a test.. If its positive face it cuz u don't have an option. If its negative, start making good choices!!!!!

  5. If you had no idea what to do, why are you having s*x? You know BC can fail. And now you want strangers to help.

    Best advice: STOP until you are no longer a child and are capable of supporting yourself and a baby all on your own. Don't push your mistakes onto other people.

    You are convincing yourself you're knocked up. It's called psychosomatic illness. It means you are not mentally prepared for s*x.

  6. Condoms dont always work so take a test

    xgood luck

  7. you need to work out when u should b on and then take a test i took my test 3 days afta i was late but im always on time so i knew i was pregnant i didnt think i was ready for my baby now im 29weeks and havin a little girl and i woulnt change it im only 17 and i no its going to be hard for me. my mum and dad always said to me what i wanted to do with my pregnacy was my choice and i had to live with what i wanted to do gd luck x

  8. i think you should go and see a doctor or tell ur parents. if u are pregnant remember there are three options witch are abortion, have the baby or give the baby up for adoption. also remember it's ur choice and don't let anyone persuade or force u to do any of the three options.

    hope this helped good luck! :)

  9. stop having s*x. its that simple

    EDIT: if your not ready for a baby then your not ready for s*x

  10. well you said you used a condom, so maybe you're not pregnant, but if i were you I'd get a pregnancy test and get it over with...... just in case.


    Or Maybe Get Yourself Checked Out By The Docterr.

  12. i disagree with PANIC AT THE DISCO!!! because s*x isnt always about making babies. take a test asap. also you need to talk to your parents or guardian about it.

  13. uhh.. stop having s*x

    and yup u shuld take a test

  14. You can't have it both ways, Cupcake.  Intercourse is designed to make babies.  There is always that risk.  As the old saying goes, don't do the crime if you can't do the time.  Find some other way for you and your boyfriend to entertain each other until you are prepared to be pregnant.  Sorry, no sympathy here.

  15. take a test and stop having s*x simple as  

  16. TAKE A TEST!!!!!!



  17. well first ask ur boifreind if he will still stay with you if u are pregnant and support u with the baby.and i think u should get tested soon just to be sure if ur not or u are

  18. You can get a free test at your local non-profit clinic.  It's confidential and they won't judge you.  Find one here-  If it does turn out that you're pregnant, the clinic counselors will work with you from there.  Otherwise, there are plenty of other, harmless things that can be confused with pregnancy symptoms.

    <3 Kelsey

  19. Im 15 too, and y'know, you shouldnt be having s*x in the first place.

    first off, because its illegal and second because you shouldnt be having s*x if you cant protect yourself fully, as in condom and a pill or something similar.

    I dont know if your pregnant but I would advise a test just to be on the safe side.

  20. well u shouldnt of had s*x!

  21. It's time to visit your doctor.  If you can't afford one, there are programs in every state to assist you. Yay taxes!

    Above all, now is not the time to think of yourself (no one is saying you are).  If you're pregnant, and it certainly does sound that way, talk to your parents.  There is a helpless infant that needs you to take care of it.

    Best of luck to you!

  22. take a test and dont have any more s*x till your out of college if your not ready for a baby then why do you have s*x anyways.

  23. There is always a chance you could be pregnant, even when you use a condom. I can't tell you if you're pregnant, but taking a test would be the best next thing to do. If it's been two weeks since you've had s*x, that would be a good time to take one.

    If you're 15, you know that you can't handle a child. If you aren't pregnant, look at this as a learning opportunity. Get on birth control and use a condom at the same time or don't have s*x at all.


    Look at the website above. It has hundreds of stories about teen girls and unexpected pregnancy. I'm sure you'll find the info and support you need. :)

  25. if you are going to be having s*x you need to be prepared for the "what ifs" i would take the test three weeks after you think you got pregnant.

    ask your dr about putting you on birth control.  

  26. The only sure fire way not to get pregnant is to not have s*x. If you're not ready for a baby, you're not ready for s*x. Stop having s*x.

    If you are prego, just talk to your mom, she should be able to help you.

  27. Ring NHS direct on 08454647. They will give you professional, helpful and fully confidential advice.

    Best wishes J          

  28. First if are worried that you may get pregnant why did you have s*x to begin with? Go take a pregnancy test. Protection is not a cure all for pregnancy. My wife was on birth control and protection was used and she still got pregnant. At 15  you don't even need to be thinking about having s*x you have the rest of your life. Live a little

  29. when your period is suppose to come take a test... If you weren't ready for a baby then you shouldn't have had s*x because you obviously weren't ready... You need to think before acting. This could just be a scare but consider it a warning....

    like you said, YOU ARE YOUNG. young having young is not right

  30. Ever seen Secret Life of American Teenager? It would be a good to watch. The girl on there is 15 and pregnant too. In your case I would recommend don't panic. Once you do take the test and if it's positive you must tell your parents and your bf and make sure you get prenatal care. You must see your doctor too to make sure, and make regular visits to check on the baby. If you don't feel you are apt to raise this child look into adoption. Please do not have an abortion. Killing a baby would be wrong. Hope this helps you.  

  31. Condoms aren't one hundred percent effective. So you need to have a pregnancy test.. At least two to double check and put your mind at rest.. Please take care dear, your life is going to change big time if you are pregnant.  

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